Flipped Classroom Tools


We all know TED Talks. TED-ED is cut from the same cloth. With this tool you can easily create interactive lessons using media online with built in formative assessments. Try it out for Free!


iorad presents itself as the fastest tutorial creator on the market. Another cool aspect is the interactive formative assessments along the way. Think Adobe Captivate but easier.


Loom is my favorite screen cast tool. You can get it as an add on to your browser. The user interface couldn't be easier and once you are done it gives you a clip straight away!

Khan Academy

If you don't know Khan Academy you may have been living under a rock for the past 10 years. This program has everything, and every subject K-12 pretty much. Great tracking tools, it's free, it's the best supplemental learning out there.


We know it for the cat videos, but you can actually upload your own learning videos and share with kids. It is the original flipped learning tool.


Nearpod is my favorite tech tool. It can be used for whole class instruction, self paced instruction, or Flipped Learning. This tool is essentially a conglomerate of many different tools built into one. (Padlet, Slides, Kahoot, etc.)

Explain Everything

Explain Everything is a great tool in which students or teachers can capture their learning and understandings on a white board that records and uploads into the cloud. It costs a few bucks to download but is totally worth it.


PearDeck is like Nearpod but a bit more simplified. It also works with Google Slides in the same way that Nearpod does. Great tool, I just prefer Nearpod over PearDeck. Worth using though for sure.


ShowMe would be a first choice / go-to software for me had they not added the desire to make a profit. Basically it used to be free and now it is not. However, if you are willing to invest in this tool, it is actually really great. Awesome for creating mini lessons and flipping the instruction for your students. It has a really easy to use interface and as soon as you are done, it uploads it automatically to their cloud for sharing.


A free browser add-on that allows you to screen capture your lessons and distribute easily. Similar to Loom only this is branded as the #1 screen casting tool for schools as 70% of US schools use them.


Do you like paying for things when they are available for Free? If you do, then Screencastomatic is for you! Just kidding! This app does have a free version similar to all of the others, however for the low price of $1.65 a month you can add a bunch of tools like video editing, a pen tool, and much more.