High School Math

Khan Academy began as a math tutoring piece for Salaman Khan and his niece. It is now a world power for driving autonomous learning and exploration. It covers much more than just math and goes well beyond primary. However, at the core of Khan, is the flipped learning math lessons. If you haven't used this tool or been on Khan Academy before, go there now. As a teacher you can create a class and monitor your student's progress. You can also push which standards you'd like them to master. Students like Khan Academy because of the autonomy and the achievement/badging system.

Remember when graphic calculators cost over $100USD? They were a big deal back then. Now you can download Desmos for free. Kids these days, they don't know how good they got it. Desmos is a great tool, free, and easy to use. It also has a ton of learning materials, videos, etc.

WolframAlpha exists and even if you don't download this app, you need to know about it. This app essentially claims it can solve any problem you throw at it mathematically. They actually boast about it. WolframAlpha has been in development for 25 years, so a lot has gone into this one. Think Star Trek computer if you are a nerd like me. For $3USD students have the answers to every test you ever create. What's more than just giving students the answer is that it explains how it solved the problem step by step. Does this mean your job is in jeopardy? Possibly. For 3 bucks it's worth a go.

The AoPS (Art of Problem Solving) is a series of tutorial videos on how to math problems. What's cool about the videos is that they do a great job with the green screen and the delivery is very clear. The site covers Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Probability, and more. The site is very comprehensive and it has lots of extras, like it's own curriculum. What's cool is that if there is a concept not covered, you can request it and they will make one. Give it a look, it's free!