Elementary Newsletters

February 14, 2024

January 15, 2024
Eagles Believe, Eagles Achieve
AIS Elementary Eagles always try our BEST! Our school-wide rules are: Be Prepared, Ensure Safety, Show Respect, and Take Responsibility. The teachers and staff at AIS are committed to curating lessons and activities that match the Common Core Standards as well as are individualized to meet your child's specific needs.
You can find your child's class schedule here.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Pre-K 4 Clothing Drive until Feb. 23
3rd & 4th Grade hosts Fun Fair to raise money for Ecoing Orphanage Friday, Feb. 23
Ghana Day is March 1
UE Basketball / Swimming & LE Football begin March 5
No school March 6
Quarter 3 ends March 15 (Report cards will come home the following week)
Parent-Teacher Conferences March 22
Spring Break March 25-April 1
After School Activities
AIS students enjoy a number of after school activities throughout the year.
Activities include Taek Won Do, Ballet, Piano, Guitar, French, Legos, Basketball, Volleyball, Chess, Logic Games, Soccer, Science and Robotics, Arts and Crafts, Tennis and many more.
AIS students have the opportunity to participate in ASAs at a fee. Transportation is provided for students living in designated areas.
1. Taek Won Do
2. Robotics
3. Ballet
4. Piano
5. Guitar
6. French
7. Arts and Crafts
8. Life Skills - Cooking
9. Chess
10. Reading/ Homework Help
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