
EY - Grade 2

Join us for a live session on

"Story Book Character Drawing"

With Mr Joseph Pramod

Session Timings:

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 78948273797

Passcode: HBqj64

EY & KG: 2:00 - 2:30

Grade 1: 12:30 - 1:00

Grade 2: 3:00 - 3:30

Upload your drawings on the Padlet!


Booky Brain Bender

Can you guess which book your teachers loved as children?

ES can guess here.

MS can guess here.

The student that matches the most teachers with their favorite books will receive a free book of their choice.


Teacher Feature Trivia

Can you guess your teachers' favorite books? Submit your guesses here.

The student that matches the most teachers with their favorite books will receive a free book of their choice.