Student Paper Awards

AIPR Best Student Paper and Poster Presentation Awards

AIPR will award a prize for the best student paper presentation, and for the best student poster presentation, as judged by a special award committee. Each will be awarded a prize of $100.  A paper or poster is eligible only if (1) the first author is a student at the time of paper submission and (2) only if this person will indeed present the paper or poster at the workshop if it is accepted. A student may submit in each of the categories, but can win an award in at most one of them. The student presenter must be registered for the workshop as a student as defined by IEEE.

Policy: The AIPR Workshop emphasizes new work.

Paper: Written papers will be required for works accepted for presentation (oral or poster) at the Workshop. To be considered for an award, the paper must be submitted no later than the first day of the workshop.  Speakers must register for the conference in order for their paper to be published (and to secure a speaking/poster slot). Proceedings are included in the cost of registration. These papers will appear in the AIPR Proceedings, and will be indexed in IEEE Explore.

Poster competition: Students are expected to be present at their posters during the entire poster session and be available to discuss it with attendees.

The page limit for each paper is 13 pages. The Proceedings will be available in the IEEE Xplore digital archive after the conference. 

Student papers will be identified in the preliminary program that will be provided to each attendee of the workshop.

Judging the best student paper/poster presentation

Other IEEE Requirements

A W8/W9 form must be filled out by each recipient of a cash award.