Fieldwork IA's

Fieldwork IA's in ESS

You will basically have two options if you decide to do an ESS fieldwork IA

We will be referring to Ondine's example below and an example from a recent examining session (she scored 27/30). These 2 examples scored highly. 

Impact of skiing, trekking and cycling on alpine ecosystems
Investigating human impact on aquatic freshwater species in Villars
ESS IA - Ondine latest

Finding a research question (RQ)

The above options are quite generally and you should think carefully about your research question.

Here is an example of a poor research question

But, here is an example of an excellent research question

This research question is very focused and appropriate as it can be answered well within the limits of 2,250 words. The examiners are very strict and will deduct points if you IA is over this word limit both in the application section (worth 3 marks) and the communication (worth 3 marks). Stay within the limit!

The context section (worth 6 marks)

What is the context?

In the context you will discuss the environmental issue (EI) and connect the EI with your RQ

What is the examiner looking for?

The IA should focus on a particular aspect of an ESS issue and apply the results to a broader environmental and/or societal context.

The RQ should be relatively specific for full marks, see the example above (this is Ondine's question). Please do not use general statements which everyone knows already. You have to research your EI. 

Your context can be around 400 -450 words - this will leave you enough word count for the rest of the IA and if you have some spare words you can go back and make this section bigger

Now read Ondine's context section and think about what was particularly good about it. 

For examples, you may want to find out if an aquatic species like the mayfly nymph is affected by the snow melt. You should discuss why there may be a specific link i.e why does the salt in the snow melt affect the mayfly nymph?

Centre 006328, Candidate 0041.pdf
Sample 1 - Annotated - Malaysia streams (1).pdf

As you can see from the marking comments this fieldwork IA only scored 4/6 for the context. Read through it and think about what it is missing.

Here are the examiner comments about the context;

" RQ stated, rather broad but relevant. Connections made to local context. Some confusion about eutrophication (no mention of algae, rather uses bacteria - which is a few steps further along the process). All marking points are there but not in depth. If only the student mentioned biodiversity in the cxt more, then 5-6 band or sure. Agree with Teacher"

Planning Section (worth 6 marks)

The planning section consists of three criteria which need to be met in order to achieve 6 marks

What is the examiner looking for?

Repeats or  comparison of sources are nearly always necessary to establish reliability. The appropriate number of repeats is dependent on the investigation carried out. Fieldwork comparing areas should have at least 5+ samples from the two areas. This could be a transect with 5 quadrat samples in each area.Sufficient data to permit processing should be collected. 

Safety, risks and ethical considerations; 

If you leave out the risk assessment section, you can only get a maximum of 4 marks for planning

Read over the above example about biodiversity in a Malaysian strem and see if you agree with the examiners statement,

" Planning well done, although methodology for biodiversity suggests that only two samples are taken....need to read table of controlled variables to see that 6 samples were taken. No mention however, about how the entry point was selected. Site choice is significant, and only needs to give site choice information more clearly. Risks section should have mentioned water safety also".

Then you can have a read through Ondine's planning section and take note of how thorough she has been !

What general effects does tramping have on terrestrial ecology?

Have a look at this website to find out more 

 Infiltration rings

You will need

Bang the infiltration tube into the ground until it forms a seal (using the wood and mallet to bang it in evenly and avoid affecting the results by stamping on the area of land being tested).

One person fills the infiltration tube to a standardised level (e.g. 15cm). The other starts the stopwatch, and then record the water level every 30 seconds. To maintain water pressure, person 1 should top up the infiltration tube if their water level falls below a certain point (e.g. 10cm). Person 2 should make a note of when this is done, so that it can be taken it into account when they are calculating their infiltration rate.

The Results, analysis and conclusion section (worth 6 marks)

There are three criteria in this section.

What is the examiner looking for in the data collected?

Raw data should be included in the main body of the report. If there is no raw data the maximum possible for RAC should be a 4. 

What is the examiner looking for in the analysis section?

You must show correct data processing to reach a conclusion. Good achievement will be possible in investigations where the candidate has ;

Correct tabulated data with appropriate titles and in context must be presented so that the examiner can follow the processing and reasoning and verify the validity of the interpretations and calculations. If you choose the wrong graph the maximum for this section is 4.

What is the examiner looking for in the conclusion section?

this is the element that ties together the whole investigation.

In the Malaysian stream example the student scored 5 for this section. Here are the examiner's comments

" Raw data tables, (the descriptions of the substrate are confusing, when comparing the different tests at the different sites), good statistics and graphs. trends etc present, but agree with the teacher on the conclusion. A statement of whether the data answers the RQ should be presented".

Read through this section to see if you agree with the examiner. Read through Ondine's RAC section to see how well she has fulfilled the criteria

Here are some great sentence starters

Phrases to Use

This study found that...

The results should be interpreted with caution...

Findings from this study should be considered in light of several limitations.

Many/several variables that could contribute to this research were not accounted for as...

The data supports / does not support the hypothesis because...

Although the data shows a correlation / indicates support for...

There is strong / weak support for the conclusion as...

The data supports a conclusion that

More data is needed to provide support for this initial conclusion.

The reliability of the data is high / low due as shown by the low / high standard deviation of each mean.

Supporting Conclusions with Statistics

The standard deviation bars overlap and therefore there is too much variation in the data to draw a strong conclusion.

The standard deviation bars do not overlap suggesting confidence in the reliability of the data.

The correlation between the two variables is strong with an R2 value approaching 1.

The correlation between the two variables is weak / does not exist as the R2 value is low, approaching 0.

The t-test at 95% confidence supports the hypothesis that there is a significant difference between the two [locations].

There is a negative / positive correlation between x and y. As the x becomes [warmer] the y decreases. This is supported by a Pearson coefficient R2 value of 0.3 which indicates a weak correlation, however with further statistical analysis, using the Spearman Rank coefficie

How to plot standard deviation error bars

The discussion and evaluation section (worth 6 marks)

There are 3 aspects  in this section

You have to discuss and evaluate the conclusion separately from stating them in the RAC. You must start with the original RQ then see if secondary data/research  to support/refutes the conclusion. Is there evidence to suggest the conclusion is in agreement with what else you have read. Is the conclusion surprising? Are there reasons why?

2. Strengths and weaknesses and limitations

What is the examiner looking for in the evaluation?

If you only address practical issues by saying just carrying out the procedure better, then you can only get a maximum 4. If you only give one element of strengths, weaknesses and limitations is completely missed out then the maximum is a 4 in this aspect. So give strengths, weaknesses  and limitations.

3. Modifications and further research

What is the examiner looking for in the modifications and further research section?

Suggestions modifications/further research should be precise, focused and relevant to the investigation. You must discuss how the modifications you suggest might bring the experimental results closer to what is expected.


The further research suggested should follow on from the research in a meaningful way and go beyond the original method of investigation to show how it will enhance understanding of the EI or RQ

Here is what the examiner said about the Malaysian stream investigation; this only scored a 3 so the weakest part of the investigation.

" Discussion is more a link to, a continuation or repetition of the CXT. Very little connection between the conclusion and the EI. No strengths, weaknesses/limitations described. Suggests modifications and further areas of research. No strengths so max 4 in that band; in 1-2 for modifications, and further research is weak. Overall a 3"

The Application section (worth 3 marks)

There are 2 aspects to this criterion;

What is the examiner looking for?

You must include strengths, weaknesses and limitations for a 3 in this criterion. It must also link directly to the EI for 3.

Here is what the examiner had to say about the Malaysian stream example, it achieved full marks so it a great example well done,

" All aspects of APP have been adequately covered. The Solution is reasonable and gives strengths, weaknesses and limitations"

Communication section (worth 3 marks)

There are 3 aspects to this section

What is the examiner looking for?

Here is what the examiner said about the Malaysian stream IA,

"The uncertainty in the probes used is not matched in the decimal places of the data but this does not detract from the data. Error bars are finally mentioned, could be more explicit. Overall very easy to follow."

This IA scored 26/30 - excellent example

26/30 Aquatic IA