Terms And Conditions
Terms and Conditions
This document describes the terms of use for Aidtree.com. By using this website users agree to these terms. Aidtree reserves the right to modify these terms at any time.
Use of this website implies that you, the user, accepts these terms.
Aidtree Directory
Aidtree is a platform that promotes a directory of services focused on hyper-local postings (within 1 mile radius). Postings are delineated into zones based on a distance from the Zip Code entered when registering the post. The center point of the radius is based on the Google Maps location pin for the Zip Code. The current monthly charges for each zone are as follows.
Zone Distance Charges
Free - 1 mi
$2/mo - 3 mi
$5/mo - 10 mi
$10/mo - 50 mi
$15/mo - 100 mi
$20/mo - 500 mi
-Larger distances can be negotiated at poster’s request.
-Aidtree reserves the right to modify pricing and/or radius with 30 days notice.
-The postings are searchable by categories with keywords.
-Each post contains a 20 second video and method of contact.
-The 20 second time limit is mandatory and any video that is longer will be truncated to fit the time limit.
-Aidtree is not responsible for any incorrect information entry by the post creator.
-The content of the post, including logos, visual media, etc. is the responsibility of the post creator and protected by copyright laws.
-People met through Aidtree are not direct employees of Aidtree itself, so their actions cannot be held accountable by Aidtree. Users must use their discretion when deciding to employ someone’s services.
-The user's account or access to the Aidtree Website and platforms can be terminated in case of abuse or at the sole discretion of Aidtree.
-Aidtree is not responsible for any 3rd party websites linked to it and the user is responsible for abiding by their Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policies.
-If any posted content by a user is found to be a copyright infringement, the content will be taken down.
-Aidtree abides by the COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act). This is enforced especially under the use of the fundraising component for Aidtree. This will be explained in detail under the Aidtree Fundraising System section.
-By agreeing to use Aidtree’s service, the user promises not to use it for any purpose that is unlawful or is listed in the following terms.
-To abuse, harass, threaten, impersonate or intimidate any person
-To post any content that is obscene, defamatory, pornographic, abusive, offensive,
Or that infringes any copyright or other right of any person.
-To communicate with Aidtree representatives or other users in an abusive or offensive
-To create or transmit unwanted ‘spam’ to any user through Aidtree
-To create multiple accounts for the purpose of improving one’s own Aidtree rating
-To post copyrighted content that does not belong to you unless appropriate attribution to
the copyright owner and a link to the source is provided.
-Aidtree reserves the right to modify and format the website in the future. These changes will be made with the end user in mind and concerns or suggestions will be considered. Contact can be made at questions@aidtree.com.
Aidtree Fundraising Policies
Aidtree gives a new option to businesses/posters to create videos at ease and at the same time promote themselves by networking/fundraising for local community groups.
The Business/Poster (now known as the Poster) utilizes Aidtree’s Fundraising platform with 3 core purposes.
Donating to a specific cause helping the local community
Obtaining a thank you gift in the form of a short-form video that is usable by the Poster to promote their business/news on the Aidtree Directory as well as their own social network, beyond the reach of the cause supporters.
Creating a relationship with the parents, friends and supporters of the cause to promote the Business/Poster’s message.
Videos gifted to the Poster come in 3 donation formats.
$75 for a 1 time donation to the Cause
$25 for a monthly subscription to the Cause for a monthly video
$250 per year for a fully paid subscription, plus 1 month of level 2 Zone Promotion (3 miles).
The Poster sends content consisting of their own videos, images and documents (e.g. menus) to the Cause selected. The content is then reviewed by the Cause Administrator then forwarded to a Video Creator (a member of the club or organization). Once the video gift is completed it is sent back to the Cause Administrator for approval and then forwarded to the Poster. Geofenced distance can be set by the current monthly charges for each zone.
Zone Distance Charges
Free - 1 mi
$2/mo - 3 mi
$5/mo - 10 mi
$10/mo - 50 mi
$15/mo - 100 mi
$20/mo - 500 mi
Benefits to the Poster is a follows:
Video belongs to the Poster and can be posted anywhere on the Poster’s social media.
The video is promoted to the members and family of the cause supported, creating a customer base seeing the Poster’s promotion and support.
Subscriptions enable fresh content for the Poster and Geofenced access in the Aidtree Directory.
The video is a gift from the cause in appreciation for the donation from the Poster. As the Video Creators are not professionals and may have errors, the Poster is encouraged to request for corrections via the Cause Admin. The video gift will mostly consist of content sent by the Poster but due to the 20 second limit not all content may be used unless specified by the Poster. It is therefore encouraged for the Poster to send the highest quality videos and images for the video gift production.
Finished video gifts from the Video Creator may not meet the artistic standards of the Posters. The Poster is encouraged to understand that the video gift is created by members of the Cause supported. Relatives and friends will support the artistic work of the Video Creator and by extension the Poster’s message. It is suggested that modifications be made as suggestions to be implemented in the next video (if subscription). The Cause Admin has creative control over all video gifts.
Communication between the Poster and Cause Admin can be done on the Aidtree Message System(AMS). Discussions on this system are for the benefit of the Cause and Poster for communication regarding the video gift. Any inflammatory/indecent comments on AMS will result in immediate expulsion from the Aidtree platform.
If video content from the Poster uploaded information or the Cause’s video gift is deemed inappropriate or offensive by Aidtree’s standards, Aidtree reserves the right to remove the Poster/Cause subject to the COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) and Aidtree’s standard of decency/appropriateness.
If videos are not completed within 30 days of upload of content by the Poster. It is encouraged for communication between the Poster and Cause Admin to inquire regarding the completion date of the video gift. Causes that do not provide the video gift in the 30 day time limit will be put on suspension. Multiple video gift delays will result in the Cause being permanently removed from the Aidtree system.
Posters that do not get the video gift from a suspended Cause will be provided a replacement video gift from Aidtree.
Verification for the validity of the Cause is the responsibility of the Poster. If it is found that the Cause is not valid and fraudulent, Aidtree will inform the Posters donating to the Cause and the Cause will be removed from the Aidtree platform. Funds donated to the fraudulent Cause will not be refunded.
Aidtree Cause Fundraising
Current processes of raising financial support for clubs and organizations are mostly based on family, friends and supporters. Digital fundraising is a more organized method of reaching supporters but it is just a simplified appeal for funds, replacing fundraising flyers. In general, only a small percentage of fundraising is from corporate sponsors, usually in the form of restaurant invoice sharing, banner ads for sports and yearbooks and infrequent donation checks.
Fundraising on Aidtree is focused on fundraising from businesses and message posters to causes. Aidtree’s system blends a business/poster’s need for video content and a select cause member’s skills using short-form video platforms (e.g. Tiktok, Reel, Instagram). Aidtree has a unique method of creating an appreciation gift for donations to a Cause. Process of making the video gift is as follows:
The Cause registers on Aidtree, including Zip Code and banking information, creating a Aidtree Cause webpage.
The Cause Admin picks Video Creators, individuals that are comfortable making 20 second videos using content provided by businesses/Posters..
The Cause webpage is shared with their supporters as a form of internal marketing. Supporters that have businesses or wish to create a personal video post can donate to the cause while getting a video gift that can be useable social media content.
Donation amounts are $75 which entails one video gift, a subscription of $25/month for one video gift per month and $250 gift which gives 1 year of monthly video gifts and increased view of the video on the Aidtree directory (level 2, 3 miles).
Business/Posters select a cause and send the Cause Admin content for the creation of their video gift. The Business/Poster is entitled to get their video within 30 days of donation.
Aidtree Messaging system
Cause Admin send project to Video Creator, Video Creator creates video gift using, Video Creator sends back for video approval
Once approved the video is added to the Aidtree Directory and uploadable to the business/Posters social media sites (tiktok, reels, etc.)
Video Creator Portfolio
Businesses are more likely to use the subscription system while events are more likely to utilize a one-time post (birthdays, event promotion, holidays).
Registration for the Cause must be completed with a verified Zip Code. This will allow potential businesses/Posters to find the Cause and register to donate.
The Cause must have an assigned Cause Admin who will be responsible for communicating between the businesses/posters donating and the Video Creators creating the video gifts for the donations.
Many Causes may be closed during the summer months. Sufficient videos must be created to cover the months that the cause is not operating or volunteers
Reject Business
The conditions for a registered Aidtree Cause to maintain good standing are:
The account must be authorized by the Cause to be created
The Cause Admin must be an official in good standing with the organization fundraising.
The Cause Admin must abide by the COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) if any members of the Cause are under age.
The bank account registered and any sub-account must be affiliated with the registered Cause.
The video gift must be given to
Video proper
Share video with supporters.