Year 11 to 12 preparation work for Physics

Welcome to A level Physics at Aylesbury High School 

We know you definitely deserve a break after your GCSEs, but we also know that a little preparation before you start your A level courses can really ease the transition. When you are ready to make a start, please use what is included here as a guide. 

You can contact me, Mrs Brittain, Head of Physics by email  - I can't promise to be fast getting back to you over the summer but I will try to reply within a few days or a week. 

If you missed the induction day on 27th June, all the resources I used or gave out are here

The introductory waffle for the course: 

So, you have chosen to do the most amazing subject… Physics… AHS!

A lot of people think it is hard, and it can be, if you do not like it or have a passion for it or if you are not prepared.

However, over the next two years we hope to inspire you in Physics and drive your passion for it. This hopefully means you will leave this school not only with a fantastic qualification, but a better appreciation of the world around you, skills that you can use for the rest of your life and a problem solving, intuitive, creative brain.

Course Information

Specification: OCR A 

Taught in 5 lessons a week in year 12, 4 in year 13, shared between 2 teachers. This means you will be studying 2 different topics in parallel.

We expect you to use your self study time wisely, going back over lesson content, adding to your notes and attempting questions from the textbooks. 

We give you the PEARSON textbooks, issued via the library and you also have access to the OUP version via Kerboodle (this is fondly referred to as ‘Scary’ due the X-ray image of a hand on the front cover). 

We will explain much more in September.

Maths Skills you WILL need. 

Below is also a short list of some of the main maths skills you will need for A level Physics. 

There is plenty of practice contained here in the attached questions pdf. In addition, Isaac Physics has some practice boards which are well worth attempting. Join the group linked to the right. 

clicking on the link above should take you straight to the group but in case it doesn't work, join the group with this code: LGARVK 

Linked is the 'Prepare for A Level Physics' section. Always great advice and explanations.  He has also just added a 'Getting started' booklet which is worthwhile reading. 


It is important to get into the habit of working through questions and going back over familiar content regularly, this will help you to make the links quickly between old and new ideas. Work through the CGP Headstart questions linked here to make a good start. Please read the instructions carefully, you don't have to work through the whole book. 

There are some other optional activities that we recommend too. There is a variety to choose from (a MOOC, Isaac Physics)  or just read a related book or magazine or blog even, What about a podcast? Please do recommend any you enjoy.