Friday 17 May 2024

#AHS WalksTall

Headmistress' Introduction

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope this letter finds you well.  

We are immensely proud of our Gold DofE achievers, (some pictured above), who last Friday, celebratated at Buckingham Palace with Ms Sowah, our DofE Lead.  

Sophia Archer Sophie Barrett Millie Carey

Amy Dell Fleur Dixon Inge Drotske

Laura Goble Marcella Just De La Paisieres Jasmine Kendall

Phoebe Lipscomb-Stevens Maiurie Rasakulasuriar Eleanor Rowe

Amy Shaw Jessica Trueman Hannah Weller

Gabriella Wills Eleanor Wingfield Olivia Winnicott

Poppy Winnicott

We are also very proud of our current DofE participants who were out on expedition last weekend, please see the article below for more detail. 

Please also see below details of our Greenpower participation last weekend.  Hugely well done to the students involved and massive thanks to Mr Sparkes for making this possible.

This week is Mental Health Week, detail again below. Thank you again to all participants and facilitators! 

Year 12 students visited Kings Cross to assess the success of the recent regeneration that has taken place (pictured below). Throughout the day students collected data comparing different areas across the site, as well as visiting the neighbouring Bemerton Estate. They visited the Kings Cross Visitor Centre and got to see the amazing model of the Kings Cross site and received a talk on the development and which stakeholders have been the most influential e.g. Google, Facebook and Samsung.  

Our external exams continue, and again we are very keen for our students to reach out if we can support them in any way; they are doing brilliantly!   We are super proud of them!  #AHSWalksTall   We are very sorry for the upset caused to our students who struggled to get to School in time for the Monday exams because of local road works and a crash on the A41.   As stated in Mrs Wilkes' letter, we have let all the exam boards know and ensured that our students will not be at a disadvantage.  Thank you for your support in getting the students here earlier to avoid the traffic difficulties.

An early heads up about next week, which is super busy:

The D of E Gold Award celebrations at Buckingham Palace last Friday

Y12 Geography Trip to Kings Cross

Sport this week

U15 England Handball Regional Champions!

On Wednesday, our U15 Handball team travelled to Bournemouth to compete in the Regional Finals.  A great start, winning 15-1 in our first match, 12-1 in the second and 11-1 in the third, taking us through to the semi finals, which we won 11-3. 

A nail biting wait to play the final game, which ended 7-2, gaining us a spot in the National finals. Well done to the whole team who not only played well but showed real team spirit throughout the day.  National finals will be held on Sunday 9th June in Nottingham.


Y7 AHS 12.5 - 12 Royal Latin School

Y8 AHS 3.5 - 18.5 Royal Latin School


U15 AHS 43/10 - 67/2 Dr Challoners High School

Tennis LTA Division 1

U13 AHS 10 - 2 Dr Challoners High School

U15 AHS 0 - 12 Dr Challoners High School

Today, our Year 7 Basketball Team has travelled to London to compete in the semi final game for Junior NBA Basketball and our U13 Cricket team has played a match against Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School. We hope that both teams have had an enjoyable day and results will follow next week.

Mental Health Week

One of the most important things we can do to help protect our mental health is regular movement. Our bodies and our minds are connected. Looking after ourselves physically also helps us prevent problems with our mental health. (Mental Health Foundation) 

This week AHS has been marking Mental Health Awareness Week.  Green was the theme and the focus this year was Moving More for our Mental Health.

Abi and Simrah, two of our Wellbeing Ambassadors, recorded an assembly and students and staff incorporated something green in what they were wearing. 

Shalani, the Wellbeing Rep for 9M, set up a stall selling edible treats to raise money and Olivia ran a stress awareness workshop.  All proceeds are being donated to the Mental Health Foundation. 

Wellbeing reps in each form encouraged their forms to move more, drawing inspiration from playing check in Bingo and following a movement calendar.  It was a great opportunity to support this cause and be able to learn more about how we can all take care of ourselves and others through small tasks we can do everyday.

Thank you to all our amazing Wellbeing Reps and Wellbeing Ambassadors for all their hard work this week, leading and encouraging everyone to find moments to move. 

Mrs Westcott

Bronze DofE First Aid and Expedition Training 

142 Year 10 students have completed their DofE Bronze Training. They have covered first aid, basic campcraft, navigation and route planning.  All groups have planned routes as hard copies, electronic copies and route cards; they have a sound foundation of expedition skills and are prepared for their Assessments in June.

Thanks to the volunteers who support DofE, AHS staff and our DofE Ambassadors, and to Expeditions Wales, our approved provider

The Aurora captured during our overnight camp last weekend

Ms Sowah

Greenpower at Lotus Hethel 12 May 2024

On Sunday, six students along with their parents and myself had a very early start to get to the Lotus test track near Norwich for a day of car racing.  This was my first event but fortunately most of the team were old hands and completely took over running the day.  The car passed a very rigorous safety check then it was on to practice laps on the track.  After fitting fresh batteries, we were ready for the first race.  This involved completing as many 2.2 mile circuits as possible in ninety minutes, with at least three drivers over the race.  This meant two pit stops for driver changes.  Along with the person driving, there was a pit manager and a team member responsible for escorting the car safely through the pit.  Our two first timer drivers took part in this race and showed great promise for future events.  After lunch and another battery change, we were ready for the second race with the same format.  At the time of writing the results have not been released but the car and all the team did incredibly well on a very hot day. 

We are always open to new members and meet Tuesday lunchtimes in the workshops.  Our next event is on the 2nd June in Wiltshire. The team is entirely funded by sponsorship. If anyone knows of companies that might be interested in helping, do please let me know.  We can add sponsor details to the car and this is a great way of encouraging students to get involved in STEM subjects. 

Student present: Ayla, Sofia, Lucy, Zakeyah, Prarthana, Devika, Evie 

Mr Sparkes -

May 22nd - Dr Suzy Imber, Planetary scientist at the University of Leicester and winner of BBC show 'Astronauts: do you have what it takes?' 

We are delighted to welcome Dr Suzy Imber to AHS next week.

Venue SFSC  at 4pm

External visitors, please wait in reception to be escorted to the Sixth form study centre. 

For further details on our STEM programme, please visit our website


Teacher of Maths  - Full time, permanent

Closing date: 31 May

Student Wellbeing Assistant

Closing date: 17 May

Interviews: W/C 20 May

Cover Manager

Closing date: 7 June

Cover Supervisor

Closing date: 31 May

BBC iPlayer

A final note to inform all parents and carers that we will now allow AHS students access to iPlayer.  This is because, GCSE Bitesize, is being moved so that it comes under the iPlayer 'umbrella' and is an extremely useful resource for our students. We are not able to differentiate access to this resource by age, it is not possible from the BBC, and so we would like to make all parents aware of this decision.  Please contact my PA , Mrs Osgerby, if you have any concerns at

Wishing all well for a lovely weekend and thank you as ever, for your support

Marieke Forster

The AHS School Fund 

The AHS Fund helps us to enrich the curriculum and develop the school's facilities to ensure that every student is able to fulfil their potential, wherever their strengths lie. Support from our Parents, our Alumnae and our wider community allows us to provide the outstanding education you expect and the students deserve. 

Please click here for further information AHS School Fund