Friday 22 September


Dear Parents and Carers

I hope you have had a good week.

This week we hosted our Year 12 Parents Evening and our Open Evening for prospective students into Year 7.  Both were incredibly positive events and I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all students, staff and parents who made them possible; particularly the Open Evening, which was held during the absolute deluge on Wednesday evening.

On this note, I would also like to thank the students at the bus park on Wednesday evening for their incredible patience, maturity and generosity.  There was, most unfortunately, a road traffic accident near the entrance to the bus park at 1500 hours and so the buses were, despite our best efforts, delayed.  The students were brilliant, in the lashing horrid rain, and I was very proud of them for their exemplary behaviour.   Well done AHS! #AHSWalksTall

In further news, this week our U16s competed in their first netball competition and won, and our Year 13s visited Silverstone Interactive Museum STEM Careers Workshop.

This weekend we host our first Alumnae Tea Party.  We are truly excited about extending our effort in building the AHS community and, in October, will share our first monthly newsletter with our alumnae. If you are an alumnae and we don't have your details, we would love to hear from you. Please email my PA, Hilary Osgerby, at  We will share photos next week. #AHSAlumnae

AHS Curriculum

We are keen that parents understand our curriculum at AHS and have an overview of what our students learn.  We have lots of information on our website but it is often hard to find so I wanted to take the opportunity to highlight some things to look at.

Firstly, our Curriculum Map page gives you an overview of our curriculum and details what students learn in each subject in each year.

Secondly, our Subject Statements page gives a little more information for each subject and breaks down the intent, implementation and impact for each subject.

Finally, each subject has their own page of the website.  On these pages, you will find Curriculum Information links for every GCSE and A Level course we offer.

All of this information can be found under the Curriculum Drop Down on the website.  Please do take some time to look through this information and familiarise yourself with what your daughter is learning, particularly if they are embarking on new courses.

#AHSIndependence #AHSConfidence #AHSStrength

AHS Clinics Booklet Updated for Autumn Term

Following on from the Clubs Booklet which was updated and released last week, we are pleased to announce the updated booklet for Subject Clinics for the Autumn Term.  These are an excellent place for pupils to go for any additional support they might feel that they need in their academic work.  We encourage pupils to turn up and speak to the student ambassadors and staff who will be waiting with friendly faces, advice and tips!

Wishing all well for a very lovely weekend, and thank you, as ever, for your support.

Marieke Forster