Term 4: SMART media

Smart Learners critically examine information online

Learn: We are learning to create our own media by making a digital collage.

Create: Following the instructions provided create a collage of ...

Share: Publish your completed image to your blog. Remember to reflect on the learning.

Creating a Collage

what is media?

Learn: To identify different forms of media.

Create: Create a visual representation of different types of media.

Share: Identify the learning and record ideas to share on blogs.

Watch the video, then create a shared definition of media.

Students identify which forms of media they have consumed in the last 24 hours.

1. Smart Media: What is Media?

Adding Audio to Google Slides



Insert Audio


Smart Learners:

  • maintain positive and supportive online relationships

  • make smart decisions about how and who they interact with online

  • understand what to do when something doesn’t seem right

  • know what to do when things go wrong

We are learning to be SMART if something happens online that we don’t like

Learn: What if something goes wrong?

Create: Create an infographic that will show people what to do when someone is mean online

Share: Publish to your Blog

Example of an infographic

SMART ways to respond when someone is mean to you online

We are learning to comment on our class blog

Choose a blog post from your class blog and construct a comment on the fridge about that post.

Use the activity to build a blog comment by dragging the magnets to make sentences.

We are focusing on the greeting, the positive comment and a question. Try using connectives to make it an even better comment. Remember to use punctuation.

Use the sentence starters to help you post on your blog.

Use the keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl+C (to copy)

Ctrl+shift+V (to paste)

We were learning about...

I found it easy to...

I found it hard to...

I really enjoyed...

Next time I need to...

Copy & Paste sentence starters from site to blog.webm


We are learning what makes a quality blog comment.

Smart Relationships: What is a quality blog comment?

Look at the student example and discuss.


Create a comic strip showing how a comment can affect a person’s feelings when they read it. Use your photo as the avatar.

1. Go to the SHARED FOLDER and find your photo.

2. Go to Remove.bg.

3. Upload your photo.

4. When done, download your PNG.

5. Make a copy of the slide template.

6. Create your comic strip.


Publish the comic strip to your blog with an explanation of the learning.

Smart Relationships: What is a quality blog comment?

Use the sentence starters to help you post on your blog.

Use the keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl+C (to copy)

Ctrl+shift+V (to paste)

We were learning about...

I found it easy to...

I found it hard to...

I really enjoyed...

Next time I need to...

Think about how you advertise yourself online.

Remember it will be there forever.

Share content that you and your whānau will be proud of.

Understand the difference between private and public information.

Blog Detective

Choose a blog to explore.

Read the blog posts and blog profile.

Use the mindmap and record what you know about this blogger from their blog.

Post your work to your blog.

Blog profile photo using webcam toy

Whenever and wherever we share online it's personal, visible and amplified. It is personal because we are sharing information about ourselves. Creating a positive digital footprint means learning to make smart decisions about what personal information we share and what personal information we keep private. If we are not sure we check with a trusted adult or keep it private.

Webcam Toy for Blog Profile

Write a personal profile to share on your blog

Check your personal blog

Does it have a current photo of you?

Does it have an up to date blog profile?

If not, follow instructions on this slide.

Write a personal profile to share on your blog.
A Quality Blog Post!





Is your work finished and blogged?

Then try some of these practice activities

Interland: Be Internet Awesome

Typing Club: Practice typing skills

Coding: Hour of Code

Coding: Scratch