The Schedule

Day 1

1st April 2023

9:00 AM - 9:50 AM 

Lecture 1: The Exotic World of Quantum Physics

Speaker: Professor Gaurav Goswami

10:00 AM -10:50 AM

Lecture 2: Introduction to Qubits and Quantum Gates

Speaker: Professor Prakash Vedula

11:00 AM-11:50 PM

First Hands-on Session 

Facilitators: Mohit, Freya, Aum, Hirmay

Lunch: 11:50 AM - 1:30 PM

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM 

Introduction to Quantum Algorithms

Speaker: Alok Shukla

2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

Second Hands on Session

Facilitators: Mohit, Freya, Aum, Hirmay

3:45 PM - 5:00 PM

Team Formation and Hackathon Begins

Team formation and Hackathon problem allotment

Day 2

2nd April 2023

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Hackathon Continues

Students will continue working on their hackathon projects

Lunch 12:00 - 1:30

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Farewell Speech and Prize Distribution

2:30 PM

Event Concludes
