Broadcast Club
Broadcast Club
The Broadcast Club is the cocurricular componentent of Verrado's Career and Technical Education's Film/TV Program which is also known as KVHS.
We participate and align with many State and National Associations including: SkillsUSA, Arizona Interscholastic Press Association, Student Television Network and Rocky Mountain Emmy Association.
Some of the events, conferences and contests we participate in each year include: Production of content for the Weekly Show, Coverage of events for the End-of-Year Graduation Video, SkillsUSA: West-MEC Officer Training, Fall Leadership Conference, Leadership Training Camp, Regionals, State and Nationals Competitions, AIPA Fall Conference/Competition, STN National Conference and Rocky Mountain Emmy Association's Student Production Awards, Peoria Film Festival, Pluse several online contests and community service projects.
To find out more about what is SkillsUSA please check out this video.