Public Private Partnership

The Key Benefits and Coursework of Public Private Partnership

The track has been designed to upgrade the skills and knowledge necessary for career development and advancement mixing academic excellence in the management field while satisfying the specific needs of the GCC area. Participants will get a first-hand look at the latest management innovations in the field of public-private partnership from high caliber faculty and experts.

Governments around the world have been looking at public-private partnerships as ways to provide for an expanded involvement of the private sector in the delivery of public services such as roads, public transport, schools, hospitals and utilities.

The stated objective is to harness the forces of competition and the innovative potential of the private sector to deliver services of high quality to citizens at lower costs to governments. Many of these projects have been controversial with opponents arguing that important decision making authority has been handed to the private sector with compromised accountability and little evidence of a realization of actual savings.

Thus, in the last decade, governments of the GCC region have recognized the need to promote the private sector. In terms of this, this specialization within the MBA will examine an array of these programs, the laws regulating such partnerships, alternate scenarios for success and their impact on the relationship of governments with the private sector. (See page 16 for the course work).