Aviation Management

The Key Benefits and Coursework of Aviation Management in Partnership with AirBusiness Academy

The record growth of air travel in the region coupled with the steady expansion of far-reaching global airline networks has created new challenges for GCC airlines companies. They have had to adapt to an increasingly global environment by restructuring programs, upgrading and expanding their fleets, and implementing new technology. This requires the training of senior executives at an MBA level so as to allow them to address key challenges of the aviation industry. In this regard, the aviation management track in our MBA program is in partnership with AirBusiness Academy, an Airbus Group company and specialized in aviation management training. Within this track, we will examine issues such as airline strategy and business planning, aviation organizations and HR management, aviation and aircraft finance, flight operations and crew management, as well as safety management systems in aviation, just to mention a few. In order to meet the particular needs of working professionals, the program format and content have been designed specifically to ensure the most effective use of time in the classroom and minimize the need to be away from work.

The aviation track will give participants the capabilities required to address today’s aviation challenges. Designed to emphasize the application of modern management concepts, methods and tools within an aviation context, this graduate of the program has all of the opportunities that an MBA student benefits from with the added bonus of a competitive edge in the aviation sector.