Erasmus+ Projects 

Agrupamento de Escolas da Lousã (Portugal)

KA2 - Experiences (2019-2022):

Short-term mobilities with students in Spain, Portugal and Poland.   (PL-01-KA229-065490)

KA2 Project “To a Healthy Lifestyle Step by Step” (2019-2022)

MEL - Meeting Experiences in Lousã (May 2022)

Our Accreditation was approved in 2020 (School Education - KA120-BA884732) and in 2021 (VET). 

In 2022 we had our first KA1 experiences: a Job-shadowing in Lithuania and a Course in Norway 

Utena - Lithuania

Job Shadowing - 9 -14 October 2022

4 participants.

School blog Ecos de Cá - Job-Shadowing in  Lithuania (October 2022) 

Oslo - Norway

Course: Teacher as a Change Agent : 13  - 17 June 2022

with 10 participants.  Internal Report 

"The Teacher as a Change Agent" Erasmus Course in Oslo - dissemination in our local newspaper - O Trevim (28th June 2022)  

Bologna - Italy

Course: Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence for Teachers and Education Staff : 3 -10 december. With 6 participants.

Job Shadowing In Helsinki/Espoo April 2024

Erasmus+ teacher job shadowing project in a Finnish school (Järvenperän Koulu) in Helsinki/Espoo, by a group of Portuguese teachers from Lousã Schools Cluster,  from 2nd to 5th April 2024. 


 Caminhos para a internacionalização da Escola – Contexto finlandês

Jornadas Pedagógicas - Lousã, 6 de setembro de 2024

Teacher Training Sessions - during  "Jornadas Pedagógicas" (September 2022) - an activity to disseminate some contents of the Training Course "The Teacher as a Change Agent (TCA)" held in Oslo in June 2022.

 During 2 days 8 sessions were held to let teachers know about AEL Erasmus+ plan while they could experience one of the challenges of the TCA course based on this activity: , followed by a debate.

Image by Harryarts on Freepik

Project 2023-1-PT01-KA121-SCH-000119413 - School Education: 2023-2024

In the beginning of this new school year two activities - A Course and a Job-shadowing experience are now being planned to address mainly the aims no. 1,2, 4 and 5 in our Accreditation in School Education.