How long will I serve as a Trustee?

You will be appointed for 3 years initially, which can be extended for further periods of 3 years. After 9 years, you will normally be expected to retire, unless there are special reasons for continuing. You can resign at any time.

What is my time commitment?

There are usually four Trustee meetings a year, lasting 3 hours. They are normally held at our centre in Windrush Square, Brixton (Vidas), but during the pandemic we moved online. This hybrid approach of some in real life meetings and some online may still carry on for a while.

Papers for each meeting are sent out in advance. In the past, these meetings have normally been held on Monday evenings, but meeting times will be kept under review, and may be changed to meet the needs of new Trustees. You would be expected to attend the majority of meetings.

You may also be asked to attend occasional meetings of one of our three sub groups, or committees, that look at a particular aspect of the work of the charity in more detail.

Once a year Trustees have a development day, usually on a Saturday, in order to reflect on the past year and look ahead to the next.

Is Age UK Lambeth financially sound?

Yes. Age UK Lambeth is a registered charity that has been run successfully for over 75 years. Its accounts are filed every year with the Companies Registry and the Charity Commission. The Trustees are the directors of the company. You can find a copy of its filed accounts here https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/3079125

COVID has naturally had a major effect on the ordinary running of the Charity. But we remain financially strong. This has been helped by our reserves, and other Government grants, by donations, and by the energy and ingenuity of our staff in devising new activities and ways of operating.

Could I incur financial liability as a Trustee?

Highly unlikely. Because Age UK Lambeth is a limited company, you cannot be personally liable for its debts. In theory, you could be personally liable as a trustee if Age UK Lambeth suffered loss because of some breach of your duties, including carelessness. But we take legal and other professional advice where appropriate, and Age UK Lambeth has a comprehensive risk register that is regularly updated. What is more, where trustees of a charity are unpaid volunteers, they will almost invariably be excused for any breach unless they act dishonestly. In addition, Age UK Lambeth has trustee liability insurance.

Will there be a process of induction for new trustees?

Once appointed, you will be invited to visit our offices. You will meet the CEO and some of the staff, tour the site, and have the opportunity to hear more about the services we operate, and to ask any questions you may have. You will receive copies of Age UK Lambeth's governing documents and the latest accounts, and will be able to discuss anything in the accounts which you may want to clarify.

Will a DBS check be necessary?

Yes. A Basic DBS check will be needed before you can be appointed.

Will I need to undertake any training?

There is no fixed programme of training. We would help any new Trustee to bridge any gaps in their skills or knowledge so as to become an effective Trustee. Reasonable costs would be paid. We are happy to discuss any training needs.

Any more questions?

You know that old saying... there's no such thing as a daft question? Well, it's true. There really isn't in this case. We know thinking about becoming a Trustee can be a big step. We guarantee you won't be the only one with a similar question.

So just click on the button to send an email to Colin Adamson, one of our trustees, and he will get back to you.