Become a Trustee of Age UK Lambeth

What a year!

Last year has been an incredibly busy one for Age UK Lambeth.

We have been at the heart of the Borough's response to the Covid 19 pandemic. All of our services refocused and we became a key partner in supporting Lambeth citizens who were facing challenges.

We went from usually supporting around 17,000 to 77,00 people!

We had 18,000 calls to our helpline.

MYsocial went online and hosted 750 events with just over 10,000 participants.

HandyFix completed 1,200 jobs

Linkworkers, working in GP surgeries, opened 1,600 cases, with referrals from 37 GPs across Lambeth.

We started the year with around 150 volunteers and ended it with 450. At the peak of lockdown, we had nearly 800!

On Christmas Day, volunteers delivered just under 250 Christmas lunches to isolated citizens.

And in January 2021 we completed a restructure based on the new way we had been delivering services throughout the pandemic to make sure our services remain relevant and at the heart of care and support in the borough.

One of our befriending volunteers carried on visiting her client throughout the pandemic, by standing outside her care home window. The client's daughter told us:

"The care and love which [volunteer] gives to mum means the world our family and to mum, as friendship is everything...when you are bedridden it is crucial. The friendship she's given mum is unbelievable."

Just one example of the impact our staff and volunteers have on the world around us.

Join our Board!

Are you interested in being part of a charity that provides services to mainly older people in Lambeth? A charity that is challenging how older people are perceived by our society, and that recognises older people can be part of the solution to some of our most challenging issues?

We are looking for committed, passionate and local people to join our board of trustees.

Being a trustee of a charity is a vital role that ensures the Charity is doing what it was set up to do. Without the trustees looking after our governance, ensuring we comply with charity and company law, we would not be able to continue.

That can sound a bit dry, but in reality it is far from it. Being a trustee means helping set the strategic direction of the organisation and ensuring we have the right structure and services to make the biggest impact on the lives of those we serve.

Age UK Lambeth brings over 70 years of experience, knowledge and passion to supporting older people in the borough of Lambeth, to live enriched, productive and purposeful lives: challenging the stigma of ageing, reducing social isolation and ensuring they get the right support at the right time.

Our services are principally for anyone in Lambeth who is aged 55 and over, but also for anyone who has a disability, long-term ill-health issues, lives with a mental illness or is an unpaid carer.

We won't give up until older people are able to use their skills, talents and experience to benefit society. And we won't give up until society recognises the value of older people, and ensures that those who need care and support get them - and can live their best lives.

Who are we looking for?

We are seeking new trustees to work with the Chair, other board members and staff in helping us to realise our ambitious vision and strategic objectives. We have a deep and rich history to draw upon but our ambition to develop is stronger than ever; we strive for excellence, ensuring that quality, equality and inclusion is at the heart of all that we do.

We'd love to have more trustees who have a strong local connection and represent the communities we serve. We are not looking for any specific professional experience, although would welcome people with experience of working for or with charities. If this is your first time as a trustee, we will provide a robust induction and support every step of the way.


Remember this is a voluntary position.

We will pay any expenses and of course, training fees for any course you go on in relation to the role.

Have a good look around this site. There's a page with some common questions, and a page to find out more about us.

You can download the role description by clicking the button on the left.

And if after all that, you are still keen, then just complete the form by either going to the Apply Now page or clicking the button on the left.

Thanks for your interest.