Air Force Media

All videos are available full screen by using the link in the video title. 

Mobility Science 101: Do You Even Lift?

Meet Johnny Mobility as he explains the basics of flight! 

Career Opportunites in the US Air Force

A Pilots Perspective

Capt. Camille (Camie) Richan, 69th Bomb Squadron B-52H Stratofortress pilot, talks about her experience in the alert call to action exercise at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, Oct. 7 2021. 

Dedicated Crew Chief

Luke Air Force Base's dedicated crew chiefs have a unique outlook on how to become a DCC and what it means to them to know that pilots depend on them every day.

Engine Shop

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Michael Stella, an aerospace propulsion specialist assigned to the Ohio National Guard’s 180th Fighter Wing, discusses how the engine shop contributes to overall total force readiness and to the mission of the 180FW

Civil Engineers in the Air Force

Civil engineers explain their role in the Air Force. 

Biomedical Sciences Corps

Its not all about planes! Meet some of the team of the Biomedical Sciences Corps as they describe their role in the Air Force. 

AFRL Inspire

The AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory) Inspire series is a group of TEDtalk-style videos.  The series showcases the innovative ideas and passionate people AFRL has to offer in short, entertaining and thought-provoking talks. Each speaker brings a different slice of AFRL that highlights our willingness to dream big and tackle heroic challenges for our Airmen and Guardians.

Brian Mitchell - Creating the Next Generation of Innovators, Creators and Inventors

Whether you're a mentor or receiving mentorship - there's always time to learn.

Which is why our own Mr. Brian "Mitch" Mitchell shares the importance of education when it comes to inspiring the movers and shakers of the future.

Maj. Nayak - Around the World in 80 Steps

Join Maj. Nayak as he discusses his experiences working in the harsh environment of the South Pole and how an early lesson taught him how to keep morale high.

What lesson you ask? Well, happiness is the little things - like walking through every time zone during your morning commute in just 80 steps.

Dr. Kerianne Hobbs - Drivers Ed for Space AI

If you had to teach a system how to operate in the busy place orbital space has become - you may need a driver's ed course.

Learn more about how that's being done via Dr. Kerianne Hobbs' talk during the AFRL Inspire 2022 event.

Delia Jesaitis & Steve Colenzo: Hacking in the Name of Space Security

Today's #LabLife feature centers on the idea of cultivating a more secure space for satellites and spaceborne tech for the United States Air Force, United States Space Force and beyond.

Learn more about how that can be done via Delia Jesaitis and Steve Colenzo's full AFRL Inspire 2022 talk now.

Dr. Steven Chambreau: Next Generation of Liquid Propellants

The future of rocket propulsion lies in a propellant with a very "uplifting" name - ASCENT.

Learn about this green fuel and how it's creating safer means for the rocket launches of tomorrow courtesy of Dr. Steven Chambreau's AFRL Inspire talk and via our website: 

Dr. Jayde King - Human Autonomy Teaming: Sci-Fi Dreams Made Reality

Dr. Jayde King sits at the crossroads of science fiction and reality due to her expertise in human machine teaming!

Learn more about her work improving digital systems to create a truly adaptive solutions "via" her AFRL Inspire 2022 now

DoDSTEM Video Library

The DoDSTEM Video Library showcases a wide variety of videos for students exploring career opportunities, behind the scenes looks into labs and the innovative research happening across the DoD. 

Department of the Air Force SOAR Educational Videos

Share mission-based content as it relates to topics of study within schools

Optimize resources to aid in building future leaders

Adapt in a virtual environment

Reach the communities in which we serve