This site is the place to start if you are interested in taking the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery assessment to enlist in the armed forces.
Here you can apply to take the exam, learn about it, and begin studying. You can also learn how to analyze your results to determine what jobs you would best be suited for in the military.
Information and Connections
If you are interested in joining the United States military, each of these websites will explain what you need to do (including taking the ASVAB) and get you in touch with a recruiter in our area.
This site isn’t necessarily test prep, but it is important to visit if you are going to take the ASVAB. Here you can find what scores are needed to do specific jobs in the military and build a post-secondary plan that works for you.
This resource provides a lot of information about the ASVAB and practice test options.
This website provides a practice test, study materials, and an ASVAB course. The course is completely free and mobile friendly.
This resource not only provides you with testing strategy, practice, and lessons for the ASVAB, but it also provides access to test prep for branch specific exams!
ASVAB Test Prep Apps
This user friendly app has many practice tests and test questions, along with detailed explanations and feedback. It will track your practice progress and provide you with expected scores.
This site allows you to download the mobile app for Android or iPhone in order to complete practice tests, get feedback, and utilize study guides.
Video Help
Secrets, tips, and tricks to score well on the ASVAB and be one step closer to your dream job!
Learn how Kayla scored a 93 on her ASVAB and what amazing jobs that qualifies her for.
Get a recruiter's perspective on the best methods and strategies to passing the ASVAB.
Ben Allen and his recruiter friends take you through a comprehensive study guide to help you score your best on the ASVAB.