Glossary of Terms

Weird Words & Phrases You Hear in the Virtual World


Alpha - synonym for transparent; a surface can be alpha looking from one side (you can see through it) but not so from the opposite side


Ban- To restrict a person or an entire grid from a region or another grid. 


Copybot - refers to software that copies objects and allows one to import them; since the creator is not involved this is usually considered a form of theft since a creator usually sells his objects and copybotting precludes this.  A copybotter is not admired but usually looked upon as engaging in quasi-criminal activity


Derender- to make an object either permanently (blacklist) or temporarily (temporary) invisible.  Temporary derendering is useful for hiding distracting or ugly objects when taking in world photographs

Discord - a communications, sharing, and social networking platform independent of any virtual world.  Discord allows for communication, streaming, networking, and fast and easy sharing of images and other files

Estate Manager- a title representing a bundle of abilities on a tract of land, given by the owner, so that one can build, import, or change objects and textures on that tract.  The exact bundle one is given may vary so not all estate managers will have identical rights or powers


Events - formalized social gatherings, may include: entertainment, music, movies, theatrical performance, dances, parties, festivals, conferences, meetings, and more


Flickr- a free website that allows one to exhibit photos or artwork without compression. Not related to any virtual world. 

Firefox OS Verion- a viewer designed for OpenSim virtual world use (as opposed to Second Life, a specific grid that is not on the Hypergrid).  One can upload, install, and use both the SL and OS versions on the same computer-- with an adequate computer, simultaneously. 


Gloebits- virtual currency commonly used on the hypergid as part of a microeconomy. As many things are free, gloebits are used to tip performers and grids or regions. They may be exchanged for real money, but the process may take time and may have difficulty at times. 

God Mode- an administrative right that permits the admin to change permissions on an object or piece of content; some grids grant this to their residents. Many grids do not. 

Grid- a complete virtual world that resides on a server; there are hundreds of grids on the hypergrid, and they are privately owned by different people 

Grid hop- [verb] to teleport from one grid to another

Grid Time - Pacific Time Zone, aka SLT for Second Life Time


Hop-  [noun] the beginning of a grid address typed into the your web browser window at the top of your screen that transports your avatar to a given grid or region; the virtual world "http"

Hypergrid (HG) - a virtual world platform made up of many grids or virtual worlds, each housed on their own server and privately owned, that are generally open to all to visit


Inventory- denotes a content storage area specific to your avatar; will house clothes, animations, objects, and more.  Learn more about your inventory here


Kitely Market- a common marketplace for the HG that is associated with a specific grid, representing an attempt to monetize goods on the HG; People may choose to buy products from Kitely Market if 1) the owner only puts their goods there, and 2) it may be easier than hopping around the HG trying to find something specific. Kitely uses a currency that is specific to that grid, though you may use methods to export the item from the marketplace to your grid of choice. Vendors may also take Paypal. 


Landmark (LM) - a form of address location that enables one to teleport directly to a location; If one offers an LM to another person they can click on it and it will take them to the specified location. An LM will typically work across the HG. 


Message Board - an object with messages that give information on upcoming events and which automatically updates; similar a billboard or electronic sign

 My Suitcase- A section of your Inventory that allows one to transport and use objects from one OS grid to another; you put objects you obtain elsewhere into My Suitcase in your inventory and it (usually) allows you to use them at other grids.  Learn more about My Suitcase here


Non-player Character - aka NPC is a 3D object emulating a living being - essentially an animated statue that may include text and sound. 


OAR- the file that is used to "create" a region; as the region changes, the OAR is edited. Not all grids permit downloading OARs. You should ask before you invest in residence on a grid. The OAR may contain objects that are brought over. 


Permissions - aka perms are a set of parameters that may be be set to allow others access to featurs or content on your region or grid; may also be used to restrict others from using them - a website with completely free royalty-free content (images, photos, videos) for download that allows one to exhibit and share photos or artwork without compression or resizing, similar to Flickr, for the use of the others

Photography- Creating in-world images using  Avatar > Snapshot, CTRL+SHIFT+S, or the camera icon in your viewer.  Images reflect what one sees on the screen and can be saved as either lossless PNG, lossless BMP, or compressed JPEG files onto one’s computer.  These can be post-processed and uploaded to Flickr, Facebook, or others sites that host images,as well as uploaded into the virtual world to use as textures. - a website with completely free royalty-free content (images, photos, videos, drawings, music, sound effects, and gifs) for download that allows one to exhibit and share content without compression or resizing, similar to Flickr, for the use of the others



RAW file - This denotes a topography that was made in a graphics program and be used to create a terrain in the virtual world by uploading into a region. This file will not contain any objects; it is terrain only. 





Virtual Reality- a computer-generated simulated experience that utilizes pose tracking and 3D near-eye displays to give the user an immersive feel of a virtual world. Learn more here

Virtual World - aka virtual space is a computer-simulated environment that is essentially a video game, without specific programmed activities. Content and activities may be generated by the users. Learn more here