Message from the Head

The Rawlett School has a strong and positive reputation locally based on a history of success. We create remarkable students and encourage each to find what is remarkable about themselves. There is an ethos of working together to focus on both academic success and the broader curriculum to encourage confidence and enthusiasm in our students.

The Rawlett School is a special place. We are very proud of our achievements and visitors always comment on the positivity around the academy. As you walk around you will see active lessons based on mutual respect and within a calm learning environment. People matter at Rawlett and leadership is evident across the curriculum. Students lead others to prepare our learners for lifelong learning and their next steps. Whether they progress to higher education, further education or the world of work, on leaving Rawlett we are proud that our students are able to make a positive contribution as responsible and caring young people.

We aim to provide students with a wide range of extra-curricular activities to support their personal and academic progress. There are a wide range of sporting opportunities for students of all abilities where traditional and non-traditional games and sports are offered. International School status has helped us develop learning partnerships with schools in other countries to support the focus on skills essential for the 21st century. The curriculum offers students a wide range of opportunities to become good citizens within our local community.

We are proud that our learning experience extends beyond the formal curriculum. The Rawlett Sports Centre provides a range of sporting and recreational activities for young people and the local community. Links with our feeder primary schools are enhanced by the Sports Leaders Awards Level 1 and 2 gained by older students who plan and deliver activities for local junior school pupils. A huge number of visits and trips take place each year to support the curriculum but most importantly develop the skills of the whole child.

Our academic success continues each year and is based firmly in our belief in our Learning Community between staff, students and parents/carers where we share the responsibility of nurturing each child to achieve their potential through open communication.

Parents always have a choice of school and Rawlett is a local school of choice for a reason. Numbers increase each year based on strong learning partnerships and this in turn creates our positive local reputation. Always looking to improve, the Academies EnterpriseTrust shares our values and encourages us to find our remarkable- in each and every child.

Mrs Gemma Simon Mrs Rebecca Walker

Executive Headteacher Head of Academy