CEIAG Statement

Careers Education & Guidance Programme Statement

The Rawlett School is committed to providing our students with a comprehensive programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) and work related learning (WRL) for all students in years 7-11.

As an Academy we endeavour working towards three core documents

DfE: Careers Strategy: making the most everyone’s skills and talents released in December 2017 (DfE: Careers Strategy: making the most everyone’s skills and talents released in December 2017)

DfE: Careers Guidance and access for education and training providers statutory guidance (DfE: Careers Guidance and access for education and training providers statutory guidance

The Gatsby Good Career Guidance Benchmarks (The Gatsby Good Career Guidance Benchmarks

Careers and work related education is an important part of the wider curriculum that we offer within the academy to our students.

We believe that every individual should be prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life, and that this preparation should be an important and distinctive element of the curriculum. Please click the link below to access our Rawlett Careers Programme 2021/22.


Rawlett Careers Programme 2022/23

Rawlett Provider Access Policy Statement 2022/23

Rawlett Careers Mini Site

Reviewed Aug 2022. Next review due Nov 2022

Key: CDI - Career Development Institute DFE - Department for Education

Careers Guidance Statement – Reviewed August 2022