Personal Development & RHSE

As well as 25 minutes of taught lessons on 3 days every week our personal development programme is backed up by 'Votes for Schools' topics at KS3, study skills sessions at KS4 and a weekly assembly. We also have guest speakers and special assemblies to cover topics such as sexual health, CSE, law and order etc.

From September 2022 citizenship has been fully embedded in the personal development curriculum.

The Department for Education provides statutory guidance that all schools need to be delivering a balanced and fair Relations, Sex and Health Education Curriculum from September 2020. We are proud that here at Rawlett we have been complaint with the current legislation for many years.


Rawlett RSHE Policy

Understanding relationships, sex and health education at your child’s school: secondary (DfE document)

Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education (DfE document)

For more information please contact Richard Kingstone (Director of Character & Community).

Parental Version - Personal Development Term Overview 2023-2024

A big thanks to the many parents who took part in our RHSE curriculum and policy review for 2022/23. We will use your feedback to help improve our Personal Development curriculum.

The consultation is now closed.

We are currently undertaking a consultation with parents & carers between 17th January 2024 and the 29th January 2024.

Parents & carers of all Rawlett students have been sent details of the consultation and a review of the responses will appear here in early February 2024

Below are the responses to our parental consultation carried out between Monday 26th September 2022 and  Friday 7th October 2022