British Values

The Government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy and in the recent DFE document “Promoting fundamental British values as part of SMSC in schools”.

Our burgeoning wider curriculum has previously been highly praised by Ofsted and our spiritual, moral, social and cultural provision rated as outstanding.

British values are promoted in all our work but we specifically promote these values through our assemblies, House system and across our taught curriculum. Citizenship and our RSHE curriculum deliver a bespoke Personal, Social, Health and Economic curriculum . Philosophy & Ethics also contributes significantly to promoting these values.


‘People’ is a fundamental Rawlett value and as students represent the largest group in school we ensure they have a big impact on school planning. Each year Form Representatives are elected to give every student a voice. Senior student elections take place in May at the same time as local elections to provide a real life experience of democracy. Mr Kingstone in his role as Director of Character & Community leaders on RSHE and student leadership

Every student at Rawlett will have met local councillors to discuss and see democracy in action. Annual debates support the curriculum topics of the role of political parties and how their work actually affects them in Tamworth. Every student will have had the opportunity to visit the Houses of Parliament to bring the process of voting and elections to life. Students will also understand democracy versus dictatorship and the role politics has locally and nationally. Inherent throughout this work is the acceptance of others beliefs and faiths again supported by local visits to various places of worship.

The Rule of Law

Rules and laws at both a local and national level are considered during induction but also throughout the curriculum. This work is also supported when dealing with behaviour issues one to one with students and through assemblies. We promote the value and reasons behind laws, how they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws/rules are broken. We have a great relationship with Tamworth Police and school officers regularly help provide a context to our work. Close links with local magistrates and the Police, Crime & Fire Commissioner ensure students are regularly engaging with outside bodies.

Individual Liberty

Students tell us that they feel safe at Rawlett and we promote taking personal responsibility for their own actions. Students lead and promote personal responsibility and how choices affect others. Our Behaviour for Learning policy is used with students to maintain a purposeful learning environment and a respectful learning community.

Students are actively encouraged to make choices all the time and we educate students to make choices safely. Students understand how they can exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-Safety and RSHE curriculum.

Mutual Respect

All students are regularly reminded of the importance of Partnerships through assemblies – another key Rawlett value . Partnerships and relationships are based around mutual respect and students learn that their behaviour has an effect on their own rights and those of others. Mutual respect is modelled by all staff and the AET ‘discipline with dignity’ is one example of how we help all students understand the importance of respect. This is supported through our pastoral system and peer mediation projects. Assemblies promote key (inter)national events and campaigns to ensure students are aware of other communities. Each year students raise thousands of pounds to support charities, developing their understanding and respect as well as improving local communities.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

Rawlett is committed to providing students the opportunities to collaborate with each other, which encourages tolerance and respect between our students across all subject areas. Our school population is predominantly ‘White British’ which reflects Tamworth demographics. We feel we have duty to promote an understanding of wider cultural diversity to fully prepare students for life in a multicultural Britain. Activities, visits and lessons are used to share experiences from a range of different faiths and religions. We offer a reflection room to all students of all or no faith to allow them quite moments of contemplation and/or prayer.

We actively challenge students, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to British values. ‘Extremist’ views will always be investigated in accordance with the Local Authority’s Prevent Strategy and appropriate action will be taken.