Mr. Devrick's Class

English/Language Arts and Communications

Welcome to Mr. Devrick's class web page! This site will be a place where you can find just about anything related to 7th Grade English/Language Arts, Communications, and more! Stay tuned for updates!


All school rules and policies will be fully enforced without exception, including rules pertaining to food and drink, gum, language, harassment, public displays of affection, dress code, bathrooms, and contraband. Please see your student handbook if you have any questions. In this class, we are respectful of others and do not use discriminatory or derogatory language, including but not limited to someone’s race, culture, religion, heritage, ability, appearance, sexuality, national origin, or any other characteristic.

Grading Policy:

Grades are based on in-class assignments, tests, homework, participation, and quizzes.

100-90% A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D 59% and lower F


Homework assignments are to be completed by the beginning of class the following day. Students are also expected to engage in independent reading, and will be given regular projects and writing assignments that must be completed at home (for example, the majority of the work for Novel Projects will be done outside of class). Any assignments not finished in class automatically become homework.

Absences and Late Assignments:

Students will be given the number of days absent plus one to complete any make-up work. Assignments more than one week late will not be accepted. Students with long-term illnesses or other special considerations are encouraged to talk to the teacher for special accommodations or alternative assignments.

Responsible Technology Usage:

In accordance with school and district policy, use of cell phones and personal electronic devices during class is prohibited. Usage of electronic devices for unapproved purposes will result in confiscation of the device and loss of privilege, in accordance with school policy. Students are encouraged to bring a pair of headphones for use with Chromebook activities. Students will be using Chromebooks on a daily basis, and will be expected to complete assignments using a variety of online tools and applications. The majority of these will be done during class time. Students will, however, be expected to complete projects outside of regular class time. Students are expected to use the Chromebooks in compliance with district technology policies. See your student handbook for more information.

Cell Phones:

Cell phone use is not allowed in class at any time. Students are expected to keep their phones turned off and out of sight, preferably in their backpacks.


ParentSquare is an application that enables contact between parents and teachers via text messages or the ParentSquare app. It allows a teacher to send out announcements and reminders about assignments and activities and serves as another avenue to make contact and ask questions outside of school hours.

Video and Media in the Classroom:

Students will regularly view video and other media in the classroom that is directly related to the instructional material. Films and excerpts shown will be G/PG rated, or edited for content to make them classroom appropriate.

Mr. Devrick's Class uses ParentSquare!

Contact the MSE Office for more information!

Do you have access to AERIES?

AERIES is where we track attendance and is also a real-time, online grade book.

Contact the MSE Office for more information!