Virtual Travelling into English

Holidays are about to begin. Unfortunately this year it's more difficult to travel because of the pandemics. So I let you take a virtual visit to the capital of the United Kingdom, created by an English teacher Liliana Silva.

Perhaps it will help you when you actually visit London.

Christmas decorations in London

One of the greatest London attractions at Christmas are the street lights. There are usually vast crowds (lots of people) ravelling to see the lights turn on. However, because of the pandemia this won’t happen this year.

Some of the streets famous for shopping are decorated as follows:

REGENT STREET – The 300,000 LED twinkling lights form 45 spirit-shaped displays. Here you can visit Hamleys, one of the oldest toyshop in the world, Apple Store and Nike Town.

BOND STREET - Lights have the shape of white peacock feathers, an homage to men in the late 18th century known as 'peacocks' for deliberately strutting along the street in their extravagant clothing.

OXFORD STREET - The installation of 222,000 lights shows the words of a poem dedicated to London and the citizens who have worked hard to keep the city going in a turbulent year.

If you click on the links below, you will have a clue of the prettiest London Christmas lights for 2020.