Student Life 

From Late Night Volleyball, to school activities here you will find articles on student life at Auburn High School 

The Drama Club Best and Worst

By: Christopher Howard 

Twice a year the Auburn high school drama club puts on a show. The second half of the year they let students create, direct, and act in plays for the show. Over the past few years the drama club shows have been exceedingly funny and successful. However, this year's show seemed to be slightly less humorous than normal. The opinion of one person does not determine anything, but what about a group of opinions?

The 2024 Auburn high school drama club show did have several moments that absolutely stole the show. Napoleon meets world, where many historical figures come to the future, a show where Jack Hoadley hunted for a talking beaver called “Other vanilla”, and “the perfect man” showing the creation of the perfect man, were all showstoppers and extremely amusing. Napoleon meets world was so good that it even won itself a trip to the Oswego drama fest. 

Aside from a few other somewhat funny sketches, lots of the show seemed to appear as a bit lackluster. People addicted to toy trains and an unsolved crime of missing flowers weren't super funny. Several other students including Ryan Maher, Keegan Brady, and all agreed that a select few shows were absolutely hilarious, but the rest were slightly weaker. 

It wasn’t that the shows were necessarily that bad. A lot of the shows just did not seem to have as many funny elements. One show was a bunch of teachers arguing at a meeting. There was really no bit that drove it to be funny. It was just arguing. A few shows appeared to just start out of nowhere with no explanation and then never explain what was going on. It wasn’t that shows were just unfunny by themselves. They seemed to lack funny elements. 

But, in the perspective of someone from the drama club, the show was not only a big success, but was one of the best shows in years. “I thought the show was better this year than in the past few years. Yeah, some of the shows were not that funny, but most of them were funnier than last years. The reason people think this year was not as funny was because they don’t remember the unfunny shows from last year. Do you remember the show about Jack Hoadley with a piece of bread? No, because it was not at all funny, and a whole year ago”. Said drama club member Carter DeRosa. “This year we had all student writers. Last year some of the shows we used were not written by us and definitely not as funny as the other shows. They were not as funny as our unfunny shows this year”.  

It is interesting to see that depending on what side of the equation you are on, actor or audience, the opinion held on the drama club show is opposing. After all, different people have different opinions based on different experiences. To the audience the show seemed to be good, not great. To the actors and directors, the show was better than ever. In the end it is the audience that reviews the show, but, to the credit of the cast, this year's “funny’ shows were funnier than ever, some shows just missed the mark. 

Why Attending Class is Important:

By: Connor Duffy 

As many high school seniors get senioritis throughout the school year it is still important to go and attend class for the remainder of the school year. Many students get accepted into colleges and tend to blow off the remainder of the year but it is so important to continue to go to class, get good grades, and carry into college. 

Many students do not realize that if they miss more than 28 days of school for a full year class the teacher has the opportunity to fail them. Doing this will result in not receiving a high school diploma and not going to college in the fall, holding students back. Along with the chronic absenteeism it can withhold students from attending fun second semester activities such as senior skip day, (ironically), senior prom, and field trips during their senior year. Students wouldn’t want to miss these activities as it is important to enjoy their senior year. 

Auburn High School Teacher, Mrs. Humberstone emphasizes the importance of attending school so students can do their classwork promptly, and enjoy the rest of their senior year to move on to college. She also says that there are more strict attendance guidelines for CCC classes and students need to be careful so they can receive both high school and college credit. Also stating that students, seniors especially, do not want to be there in the first place and should do their work so they don’t have to stay here any longer. 

With this, colleges can also revoke their admission to students if they require a spring semester or mid year report. If they see a student slacking, cutting class with chronic absenteeism it can result in their admissions offer being revoked. 

As tempting as it may be on some days it is important for students to attend class everyday and do their work timely as they wouldn’t want to risk their future. Advice would be to pick nice days towards the end of the school year so you can enjoy the nice weather and the end of year activities! It may seem like a blow off, but just go to class!