You have Questions & We have Answers



School/District Questions

How much is the monthly/yearly fee to use Scoutlier?

The Scoutlier platform is FREE for individual teachers. There is no limit to the number of students you can include.

Will Scoutlier work with our LMS?

Scoutlier easily works with any LMS.  

How long does a Scoutlier PD last?

Scoutlier offers many different ways to provide professional development for your staff. Our experts can create flexible solutions for you.  

What subjects can use Scoutlier?

Every subject area taught in the classroom can be adapted to Scoutlier. 

What needs to be downloaded to use Scoutlier?

Scoutlier is web-based. There are no downloads of information or updates to be made for our platform.

We have an LMS, how is Scoutlier different?

Scoutlier adds a way for teachers to scaffold learning for students in your LMS without adding to your bottom line. Teachers can create lessons and assignments that track student engagement with our specialized report. 

What grade level can use Scoutlier?

Scoutlier is intended to be used to gather data on student learning as they progress through the lessons. Students should be able to read if completing lessons alone. The platform can be used K-12 and beyond with assistance, but we recommend 3-12 for independent tasks.

What type of devices are needed for Scoutlier?

Scoutlier works from desktops laptops, Chromebooks, iPads, and tablets. The best devices to use are those with cameras so that students can provide evidence of their learning using multiple ways.

How much does Scoutlier PD cost?

We work hard to meet the needs of your teachers and students. Contact to schedule a conversation about your professional development needs.

What kind of support can I get after the PD?

Teaching is hard, and often not supported. Scoutlier has an instructional team that is available to answer questions and schedule support meetings to help you. 

Is Scoutlier standards based for my school/district?

The Scoutlier platform is flexible for any teacher to create standards-based lessons for their classroom. If a teacher can dream it, the lesson can be put into a Scoutlier lesson.