Welcome to 7th Grade

Getting Started 🚩

  1. Check Your Email

It is important to check your GMail (email) regularly for important announcements including Canvas login information. Access it by going to Google and clicking on "Gmail" at the top right of the browser.

  1. Log In to Canvas

Canvas will be your one-stop shop for assignments, grades, and communicating with your teachers and peers.

For a Canvas Student Login Guide visit www.aeacs.org/canvas-login

  1. Click on "Student Login"

  2. You will be asked to sign in with your AEA student email account.

  3. After you sign in, you will then be taken to your Canvas homepage where you will see your current schedule and courses.

Forgot your GMail login? 😰

If you do not remember your login to your email account, please have a parent/guardian email support@aeacs.org or call/text the AEA Community Hotline at (858) 859-1550 for assistance.

Como Empezar 🚩

  1. Revisa tu correo

Es importante revisar tu GMail (email) regularmente para anuncios importantes incluyendo información de acceso a Canvas. Entra yendo a Google y haciendo click en "Gmail" en la parte superior derecha.

2. Conéctate a Canvas

Canvas será tu único lugar para trabajos, calificaciones y comunicación con tus maestros y compañeros.

Por un guía de acceso estudiantil de Canvas visita www.aeacs.org/canvas-login

3. Has Click en "Student Login"

4. Te pedirá entrar usando tu cuenta de estudiante de AEA.

5. Después de entrar, te llevará a tu pagina principal de Canvas donde podrás ver tus clases y horarios actuales.

Olvidaste tu usuario de GMail? 😰

SI no recuerdas como entrar a tu cuenta de email, por favor has que un papá/guardian escriba un email a support@aeacs.org o llamar/texto a AEA Community Hotline at (858) 859-1550 para asistencia.