Ms. Pickle's Math Website

The Planbook link below will be useful for my students and their parents. It will show you daily lesson plans and has links to all assignments (and some answer keys). It is subject to change, but it is my teaching plan. Students will be utilizing Google Classroom for daily learning. Please feel free to join your child's Classroom to get scheduled updates on their status. I also maintain HAC daily so you can see their academic grades.

I look forward to working with you this year. You can contact me via email or phone with any questions or concerns. I hope to inspire and challenge your child mathematically. Thank you for the opportunity!

(517) 263-0543 ext. 2118

Planbook offers each class' lesson plans, links to notes and links to homework. It is updated each week and subject to change due to individual class pacing.

Math 7: Learning at Home Program Links

Khan Academy


Sign in with Google (using your school account). After you have added Ms. Pickle as a coach, you will get practice exercises assigned to you right in your Khan Academy account.

Prodigy Game

This is an individualized learning game that practices all lessons at a student's own learning level. Use your school email account and password to set up your account. Add this code when you are asked to join a class: B40F2E .

Math 7/8: Learning at Home Links

Khan Academy

Sign in with Google (using your school account). After you have added Ms. Pickle as a coach, you will get practice exercises assigned to you right in your Khan Academy account.

Prodigy Game

This is an individualized learning game that practices all lessons at a student's own learning level. Use your school email account and password to set up your account. Add this code when you are asked to join a class: 6B8239.

Algebra 1: Learning at Home Links

Khan Academy

Sign in with Google (using your school account). After you have added Ms. Pickle as a coach, you will get practice exercises assigned to you right in your Khan Academy account.

Prodigy Game

This is an individualized learning game that practices all lessons at a student's own learning level. Use your school email account and password to set up your account. Add this code when you are asked to join a class: 92B525.