We are looking forward to working with our new National Junior Honor Society students as we begin the new year. They are great representatives of our school, as they reflect the NJHS standards of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, Citizenship, and Character for the other students and the community. we have a good group of students, eager to participate in activities and be good leaders. It's a great thing to see!

The following communication was sent to all NJHS members 3-18-2020.

I wanted to touch base with you all since we are in an unusual situation, and we will also be missing our meeting tomorrow morning.

Concerning community service hours: There are a couple of you who are in good shape and have completed your hours for this third section. For those of you who still have hours to complete, please do not put your health at risk to go out into the community at this time. The CDC guidelines are asking that we avoid groups of people, and we would not want to put those whom we would generally work with, such as the elderly, at risk either. We will see where this takes us once April hits and go from there.

At that time, please keep these things in mind:

Community service hours may not be completed for payment.

Hours may not be completed for, supervised by, or signed off by family members.

You may not use the same activity for more than three of your hours for the year. (Some have submitted duplicates recently...)

Take this time to connect with family, get a little extra rest, read a few books, catch up on the TV shows on your DVR. Most of all, take care, and stay safe ~!

Due to Covid19 and the closing of schools, the induction of new NJHS members will take place when school resumes to ensure the safety of our students.

Mrs. Holmes