Revenue Purpose Statement (RPS)

On August 9, 2021, the ADM Board of Directors unanimously passed a resolution ordering an election on an updated Revenue Purpose Statement (RPS) to authorize expenditures from revenue received from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) Fund, to appear on the November 2, 2021 ballot.

What Is A Revenue Purpose Statement (RPS)? The Revenue Purpose Statement is a voter approved measure that outlines how the district can spend revenues from the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) Fund, often referred to as the Statewide Penny Sales Tax. These are funds that the state of Iowa has dedicated to public schools.

Will The Revenue Purpose Statement (RPS) Increase Property Taxes? No.The statewide penny sales tax will continue to be collected across the state regardless of whether or not the new revenue purpose statement is approved at ADM. If voters approve the new Revenue Purpose Statement in November, ADM will simply be able to spend revenue received from the SAVE Fund as allowed by Iowa law.

Why Does The Revenue Purpose Statement (RPS) Need To Be Updated? In 2019, the Iowa Legislature extended the statewide penny sales tax through 2050. Prior to this extension, the statewide penny sales tax was set to expire in 2030. ADM’s current voter approved Revenue Purpose Statement is currently set to expire in 2030. Approval of the Revenue Purpose Statement would allow ADM to spend revenue received from the SAVE Fund as allowed by Iowa law through 2050.

How Has ADM Been Using SAVE Funds? Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) Fund revenue is used to support many important projects in the district. Some examples include:

  • Construction of Meadow View Elementary, in conjunction with general obligation bonds

  • Building maintenance and HVAC systems

  • Security camera systems at all buildings

  • Athletic facility improvements

How Can Revenue From The SAVE Fund Be Used? The Revenue Purpose Statement outlines the permitted use of revenues from the Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) Fund that ADM will receive as part of the statewide penny sales tax. Some specified uses of SAVE funds include the following:

  • To provide funds for school safety and security infrastructure

  • To provide funds to remodel, reconstruct, repair, expand, and improve school buildings

  • To provide funds for demolition, cleanup, and other costs if such costs are necessitated by, and incurred within two years of, a disaster

  • To provide funds for property tax relief

  • To provide funds to build and furnish a new school building or buildings; to build and furnish addition(s) to school buildings

  • To provide funds to establish and maintain public recreation places and playgrounds

  • To provide funds for the payment of principal and interest or retirement of general obligation bonds issued for school infrastructure purposes

  • To provide funds for other authorized expenditures and purposes permitted by law

What happens if the community doesn’t approve the new Revenue Purpose Statement? In the event that the new revenue purpose statement is not approved on November 2, the district would bring a special ballot back to the voters in March of 2022.