Adirondack Health Services
A Note from the Nurse - Planning for next school year:
New Medication Forms must be completed by the parent/guardian and health care provider for the 2024 - 25 school year. Medication authorization forms expire at the end of each school year. Make sure you make your request to the health care provider before August. Clinics get very busy and may not be able to complete your request if submitted after mid- August. New medication forms must have a start date on or after August 1st, 2024, or say 2024 -25 school year to be valid for next school year.
Reminder: Physicals are needed FOR
New Students, Pre-K or Kindergarten, and grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11
Vaccinations must be up-to-date before Sept. 17th or students will be excluded from school.
Forms for 2024-25 School Year
Immunization Information
Vaccination Requirements
Illness Info
Here you will find some reference information on common viruses/nuisances found in our area. Please keep your child home if they have a fever, vomiting or diarrhea. They may return 24 hours after the fever breaks without fever reducing medication, or 24 hour post diarrhea.
When your Child comes home with Head Lice
Note: If your child is sent home with head lice, you MUST accompany your child upon their return to school so the nurse can check their hair and make sure they're clear
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (Coxsackie)
Note: Your child may return to school after they have been fever free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours. If they have blisters that are filled with fluid, the blisters are contagious and they should not return to school with them. If the blisters are dry, they may return to school.
Note: Your child may return to school the following day if antibiotics are started and there is no discharge from the affected eye(s).
COVID 19 Information:
Covid Rapid Testing Kits are available now!
Please contact your school nurse to receive one for your child.
Links to common questions:
Where can I get more tests? - See your local pharmacy or physician
What do I do if the test comes back positive? - treat it like any viral illness
Where can I register my positive test results?
What do I do if I am exposed to Covid?