Modern Condition & Human Condition

Image of Christina's World by Andrew Wyeth

Christina's World by Andrew Wyeth

The Lady in Pink

Gurjot Singh '25

Lady in Pink by Gurjot Singh - Gurjot Singh.pdf


Matt Badalov '25

MoMA Poem - Matthew Badalov.pdf
Image of painting entitled Madam Kupka Among Verticals by Kupka

Mme Kupka Among Verticals by František Kupka

Image of Picasso's Woman Plaiting Her Hair

Woman Plaiting Her Hair by Pablo Picasso


Vaishnavi Dixit '25

Poem Submission - Vaishnavi Dixit (1).pdf


Celine Paliakkara '25

Celine Paliakkara .pdf
Photograph of Stettheimer's painting, family Portrait II, hanging in a museum

Family Portrait II by Florine Stettheimer

Image of engraving by Gustave Dore entitled There Minos Stands

"There Minos Stands" by Gustave Doré

Steffanos's Inferno

Steffanos Selearis '22

Steffanos's Inferno - Steffanos Selearis.pdf

Chains and Nails

Abigayle Stephenson '25

Chains and Nails - Abigayle Stephenson.pdf
Image of painting by Orozco entitled Dive Bomber and Tank. Features large chains and nails.

Dive Bomber and Tank by José Clemente Orozco

Image of the painting by Varo entitled The Juggler or The Magician

The Juggler (The Magician) by Remedios Varo

Juggler to the Masses

Natalie Olivares '25

Juggler to the Masses - Natalie Olivares.pdf

The Archer

Cassie Tura '25

Poem - The Archer - Cassandra Tura.docx
Image of painting by Kandinsky entitled Picture with an Archer

Picture with an Archer by Vasily Kandinsky