Eligibility Requirements

Eligible Property means any privately-owned commercial, agricultural, industrial, or multi-family real property of five (5) or more dwelling units located within the boundaries of the Region (including properties owned by a not-for-profit organization).

Ground leases on Eligible Property are permitted, so long as all requirements of the Improvement Special Assessment Ordinance are met, including requiring the Property Owner to enter into an Assessment Agreement. On ground-leased property, therefore, the special assessment and Special Assessment Lien encumber the fee interest in the property, not the ground leasehold.

Property Owner means an owner of eligible property, which is the record owner of title to the Eligible Property. The Property Owner may be any type of business, corporation, individual, or non-profit organization.

Eligible Improvements means a permanent improvement affixed to the real property that must meet at least one of these criteria:

Eligible Improvements include the following:

Capital Provider may be any of the following: 

Qualifying costs that can be Improvement Special Assessment financed include: