About the Addison Central SEPAC

Mission:  To elevate the voices of families of students with special needs to help ensure equitable access to education for all in the Addison Central School District (ACSD).


Special Education Parent Advisory Councils (SEPACs) are volunteer, parent-driven groups that provide input to local school districts on system-level challenges in special education and related services. 

A group of parents, teachers, and district leaders worked together to establish the Addison Central SEPAC over the course of the 2022-2023 school year.

At a high level, the SEPAC’s work falls in three general categories

Priorities for 2023-2024 School Year

Check out this great resource to learn more about SEPACs in general

Who Can Participate?

SEPAC Board & Bylaws

The SEPAC Board organizes the SEPAC’s work and works closely with the SEPAC's ACSD Representatives. The Board is composed of parents (defined broadly) of current students with disabilities who are elected during the Annual Meeting in spring of each school year.

The SEPAC is governed by bylaws that were adopted in April 2023. 

Collaboration with the Addison Central School District (ACSD)

The SEPAC intentionally cultivates and maintains a collaborative, working relationship with ACSD district leaders. In this spirit, the SEPAC Board works closely with designated representatives from ACSD’s administration and school board (see below).

ACSD also co-sponsors the SEPAC's Community Events and facilitates our outreach to the ACSD community through the district's communication channels.  

ACSD Representatives