
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!  

This year marks my 21st year serving in the Adams 12 Schools, and my 16th year as a Mountain Range Mustang.  As a Mustang, I'm lucky enough to work with a team of dedicated, talented, and creative colleagues and brilliant, hard working, and hilarious teenagers. Each day I walk into the building, my faith in the future is renewed - the kids really are alright. 

I'm a Colorado transplant by way of Ohio, though after living here for so long, I now consider the Centennial State "home." I've been married to Josh, a fellow English teacher here at MR, for 18 years. We are raising two crazy young men -- Cameron, a 10th grader, and Eli, a 7th grader.  We have a Bernedoodle named Frankie June and a Goldendoodle named Crosby Weller. When I'm not a free Uber for the boys, sitting in the stands at a youth sports event, or grading papers, I like to read, camp, craft, and enjoy quality time with my family and friends.  

I earned my undergraduate degree in English and Secondary Education from Ohio University (GO BOBCATS!) and my master's degree in Information and Learning Technologies from CU Denver.   


Period 1: CP English 10 (C215)

Period 2: American Lit - English 11 (C215)

Period 3: American Lit - English 11 (C215)

Period 4: CP English 10 (C215)

Period 5: Lunch

Period 6: Plan

Period 7: American Lit- English 11 (C215)

Period 8: Plan