1st grade rocks!

Virtual Learning is a process of learning where everything is done remotely from your home. It is new to not only us, but you as well. We will have to work together to do the best we can to make sure all students get equal access to learning, get all their individual needs met, and try to make the best of a unique situation. We promise to be patient and understanding that this will be a learning process for all of us! Below will outline some of the details on how virtual learning will be different from typical school.

Attendance Policy:

We hope that all students do a little work each day but the assignments we give are meant to be completed within the week so please do what is best for your family.

How will we take attendance?

Attendance will be taken based on weekly student participation and work completion. We will be checking in throughout the week to see how students are progressing, and work needs to be completed on the due date given. If there is a situation where this is not possible, please contact your teacher. We are flexible and can work with you to make sure that education continues, but also understanding in our unique situations.

Daily/Weekly Activities:

All daily or weekly activities will be posted on the week's page on this website and also will be assigned in SeeSaw.

This website will have everything listed for the week without a lot of details as to what the activity requires as well as the due date for most assignments.

SeeSaw will have the actual assignment and details about what is required for the assignment. As of now there will be little to no live teaching but we are ALWAYS here to help and support.

Due Dates and Grades:

Due Dates: All due dates will be posted on the home page on this website and also in the assignment on SeeSaw.

Grades: Grades will be pass or fail. We will provide feedback on specific assignments to help your child grow in their learning.

Online Learning Platforms

We'll be using various online platforms to help you and your child as we journey into this new world! We've included links to the sites we'll use as well as information to help you get acclimated to things! Some things will not be set up yet for you to access but we wanted to give you a heads up of what is to come. Make sure you are able to access each of these platforms from the device your child will be using for their learning. If you cannot, please see login instructions or ask your child's teacher for help.


This is the main website you and your child will use during virtual learning. This is where your child will submit most of their work. We'll then leave feedback and connect with them as they complete assignments. Your teacher's teacher will send you a specific code for access. Coming soon.

We'll use this regularly for reading and writing purposes. Be sure your child can access it. Your child's teacher should have sent an invite to your email.

Fun way to spark discussion and video chat back and forth!

The Student ID will ALWAYS be your child's first name. You'll need a link from your child's teacher each time.

RaZ Kids

We'll use this regularly for reading and writing purposes. Be sure your child can access it. Your child's teacher will have access information.

Video Conferences... we can see each other "face to face". Think FaceTime but with lots of people!

Helpful information on how to use Zoom. You do not need to set up an account unless you want to. It's easy to use once you get started...we promise.

Happy Numbers

We'll use this for math activities. Your child's teacher should have sent an invite to your email.