7th Grade Science
Welcome to 7th Grade Science! Here you will find everything you need for success. I will provide information about learning for each week here, as well as assign it in Schoology. I will update the calendar below as we move along throughout the year.
Also included will be our 7th Grade Weekly Report
Hello Parents,
We are going to participate in a lot of activities, labs, and challenges. We will spend a lot of time getting to know data; from how to collect and interpret it, to understanding how to make and justify claims that are evidence based.
The focus of 7th Grade is Life Science. We will cover everything from cells to ecosystems, including a focus on adaptations and evolution.
Students will keep a Science Notebook where they will take notes, create hypotheses, collect data, and make claims about phenomena. They will work in teams of 4, or as partners for our labs/activities. They will have independent time to reflect and share what they have learned.
Science involves a lot of failure. This is important for students to understand. Failure is the driving force to understand what didn’t work, what changes can be made, and identifying what we have learned in the process. Learning is messy, and this year we will create a safe and cooperative atmosphere in order to make mistakes and learn from them.
Please contact me at kaw021527@adams12.org if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Tara Kawalec
7th Grade Science
STEM Launch K-8
Hola Padres,
Vamos a participar en muchasactividades, laboratorios y desafíos. Dedicaremos mucho tiempo a conocer los datos; desde cómo recopilar e interpretarlo, hasta comprender cómo hacer y justificar afirmaciones basadas en pruebas.
El enfoque del séptimo grado son las ciencias de la vida. Cubriremos todo, desde las células hasta los ecosistemas, incluido un enfoque en las adaptaciones y la evolución.
Los estudiantes mantendrán un Cuaderno de Ciencias donde tomarán notas, crearán hipótesis, recopilar datos y harán afirmaciones sobre fenómenos. Trabajarán en equipos de 4 o como socios para nuestros laboratorios / actividades. Tendrán tiempo independiente para reflexionar y compartir lo que han aprendido.
La ciencia implica muchos fracasos. Es importante que los estudiantes lo comprendan. El fracaso es la fuerza impulsora para comprender qué no funcionó, qué cambios se pueden hacer e identificar lo que hemos aprendido en el proceso. El aprendizaje es complicado y este año crearemos un ambiente seguro y cooperativo para cometer errores y aprender de ellos.
Por favor contáctame en kaw021527@adams12.org si tiene alguna pregunta.
Tara Kawalec
Ciencias del 7º grado
STEM Launch K-8