
Today's Birthdays:  Happy birthday to Mikayla Bujaci and Tanush Veeramachaneni!  🎉🎂✨🍰🥳 Be sure to wish them a happy birthday! 

Random Fact of the Day: Honey never spoils. You can eat 32,000-year-old honey. Learn why here

Duty Days this week: Friday

Monday,  April 8 - Day 124

Welcome back! I hope that your Spring Break was restful and filled with fun! Please read or write independently while I take attendance.

Tomorrow's Spirit Week Theme: Twin Day.  Find someone to twin with!

Today we will be reflecting on our prior MAP scores and discussing how to ensure a good score! Of course, we will be reading from The Hunger Games as well.

Learning Intention: There is no Learning Intention, as we are preparing for MAP testing.

Success Criteria:  There are no Success Criteria, as we are preparing for MAP testing.

Today's Birthdays: There are no birthdays today.

Random Fact of the Day: The average person eats about 35 tons of food during a lifetime.  That's 70,000 pounds!  Read more about what we eat here.

Duty Days this week: Friday

Tuesday,  April 9 - Day 125

Happy Tuesday! Please open your MAP Data Sheet from yesterday and then read or write while I take attendance.

Tomorrow's Spirit Week Theme: Pink Out! Wear as much pink as you can find!

Today we will begin Spring MAP Testing.

Learning Intention: Because of MAP Testing, there is no learning intention.

Success Criteria: Because of MAP Testing, there are no success criteria

Today's Birthdays: There are no birthdays today.

Random Fact of the Day: The citrus soda 7-UP was created in 1929; it was originally caramel-colored and contained a mood-stabilizing substance.  Read about it here

Duty Days this week: Friday

Wednesday,  April 10 - Day 126

Happy Wednesday! Please read or write while the sub takes attendance.

Tomorrow's Spirit Week Theme: USA Day. Wear your Red White and Blue

Today you will be working on a digital escape room!

You will find a video describing the activity in Schoology.

The activity is also in Schoology.

Today's Birthdays: There are no birthdays today.

Random Fact of the Day: Humans share 60% of their DNA with bananas.  Find out what other things we share DNA with here

Duty Days this week: Friday

Thursday,  April 11 - Day 127

Happy Thursday! Please read or write independently while I take attendance.

Tomorrow's Spirit Week Theme: Rocky Top Pride! Wear your Rocky Top gear and colors!

Today we will continue Spring MAP Testing.

Learning Intention: Because of MAP Testing, there is no learning intention.

Success Criteria: Because of MAP Testing, there are no success criteria

Today's Birthdays:  Happy birthday over the weekend to  Josh Moua!  🎉🎂✨🍰🥳 Be sure to wish him a happy birthday! 

Random Fact of the Day: Honey is made from nectar and bee vomit. Here are all of the details

Duty Days this week: Friday

Friday,  April 12 - Day 128

Happy Friday! Please read or write independently while I take attendance.

Today we will finish Spring MAP Testing as well as your chapters from The Hunger Games.  We will also be watching one more clip from The Goonies.

Learning Intention: Compare themes and topics between two stories in the same genre. 

Success Criteria: I can compare the middle stages of the Hero’s Journey in The Hunger Games and The Goonies.

Today's Birthdays:  Happy birthday to Jax Surbrook!  🎉🎂✨🍰🥳 Be sure to wish him a happy birthday! 

Random fact of the day: The human eye can detect over 10,000,000 different colors. Here is a short article that explains how.

Duty Days this week: Tuesday

Tuesday,  April 16 - Day 129

Happy Tuesday! Please read or write independently while I take attendance.

Today we will be reflecting on CMAS and the tools that you can use to ensure a good score! Of course, we will be reading from The Hunger Games as well.

Learning Intention: There is no Learning Intention, as we are preparing for CMAS testing.

Success Criteria:  There are no Success Criteria, as we are preparing for CMAS testing.

Today's Birthdays:  There are no birthdays today.

Random fact of the day: There’s a giant mushroom in Oregon’s Malheur National Forest with a root system that covers over 2,200 acres, making it the largest living organism in the world.

Duty Days this week: Tuesday

Wednesday,  April 17 - Day 130

Happy Wednesday! Please read or write independently while I take attendance.

Today we will be taking Unit  1 of CMAS for Math and ELA.

Learning Intention: There is no Learning Intention, as we are preparing for CMAS testing.

Success Criteria:  There are no Success Criteria, as we are preparing for CMAS testing.

Today's Birthdays:  Happy birthday to Noah Joyce and Jer Gurule!  🎉🎂✨🍰🥳 Be sure to wish them a happy birthday! 

Random fact of the day: The official state vegetable of Oklahoma is watermelon.  Yes, vegetable. Read about it here

Duty Days this week: Tuesday

Thursday,  April 18 - Day 131

Happy Thursday! Please read or write independently while I take attendance.

Today we will be taking Unit 2 of CMAS for Math and ELA.

Learning Intention: There is no Learning Intention, as we are preparing for CMAS testing.

Success Criteria:  There are no Success Criteria, as we are preparing for CMAS testing.

 Today's Birthdays:  There are no birthdays today.

Random fact of the day:  When glass breaks, the cracks move faster than 3,000 miles per hour. To photograph the event, a camera must shoot at a millionth of a second! Check out the video

Duty Days this week: Tuesday

Friday,  April 19 - Day 132

It's finally Friday! Please read or write independently while I take attendance.

Today we will be taking Unit 3 of CMAS for Math and ELA.

Learning Intention: There is no Learning Intention, as we are preparing for CMAS testing.

Success Criteria:  There are no Success Criteria, as we are preparing for CMAS testing.

Today's Birthdays:  Happy birthday to Harper Krueger!  🎉🎂✨🍰🥳 Be sure to wish her a happy birthday! 

Random fact of the day: Today, April 22, is Earth Day! Here are some interesting facts about this special day. 

Duty Days this week: Tuesday and Wednesday

Monday,  April 22 - Day 133

Happy Monday and happy Earth Day! Please read or write independently while I take attendance.

Today we will be returning to normal! We'll be looking at some sample responses from your last benchmark assignment. We'll also be heading to the Book Fair!

Learning Intention: Use exemplars to analyze and think critically about the qualities of responses when responding to a prompt.

Success Criteria:  Analyze other students' work, score it and identify ways for the student to improve their response.

Today's Birthdays:  Happy birthday to Harper Krueger!  🎉🎂✨🍰🥳 Be sure to wish her a happy birthday! 

Random fact of the day: The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog." uses every letter of the alphabet. The sentence is known as a pangram, a sentence that uses all letters of the alphabet. This website has a bunch more to check out (note that they are made up mostly of nonsense words).  

Duty Days this week: Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday,  April 23 - Day 134

Happy Tuesday! Please read or write independently while I take attendance.

Today we will be continuing our look at some sample responses from your last benchmark assignment. 

Learning Intention: Compare and contrast texts in different forms in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics.

Success Criteria:  I can compare and contrast a theme in  Freddie in the Shade, and Nothing Gold Can Stay.

Today's Birthdays:  There are no birthdays today.

Random fact of the day: Everyone has a unique tongue print, just like fingerprints. Read all about it here. 

Duty Days this week: Tuesday and Wednesday

Wednesday,  April 24 - Day 135

Happy Wednesday! Please read independently while I take attendance.

Today is Writer's Wednesday! We will be working on Chain Stories!

Learning Intention: Develop skills as a writer and recognize the value of engaging in a community of authors.

Success Criteria: I can participate in Writer's Wednesday to improve my writing skills.

Today's Birthdays:  There are no birthdays today.

Random fact of the day: French fries are the single most popular fast food in America. In 1970, french fries surpassed regular potato sales in the United States. In 2004, Americans ate 7.5 billion pounds of frozen french fries. Here are some more fast food facts

Duty Days this week: Tuesday and Wednesday

Thursday,  April 25 - Day 136

Happy Thursday! Please read or write independently while I take attendance.

Tomorrow's theme day is Vacation Shirt Day.  Wear your favorite vacation-related shirt!

Today we will continue our work on the poem, Nothing Gold Can Stay. We will also be completing the 2nd benchmark assessment! 

Learning Intention: Compare and contrast texts in different forms in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics.

Success Criteria:  I can compare and contrast a theme in  Freddie in the Shade, and Nothing Gold Can Stay.

Today's Birthdays:  There are no birthdays today.

Random fact of the day: The wireless technology used to connect devices, Bluetooth is named after the King of Denmark and Norway, Harald Bluetooth, who united clashing Danish tribes into one kingdom in the 10th century. Here are some other interesting namesakes

Duty Days this week: Tuesday and Wednesday

Friday,  April 26 - Day 137

Happy Friday! Did you know that we only have 4 more Fridays? Please read or write independently while I take attendance.

Today we will finish the 2nd benchmark assessment as well as chapters 19-23 in The Hunger Games.  We will also conclude The Goonies!

Learning Intention: Compare and contrast texts in different forms in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics.

Success Criteria:  I can compare and contrast a theme in  Freddie in the Shade, and Nothing Gold Can Stay.

Today's Birthdays:  There are no birthdays today.

Random fact of the day: Cinnamon is actually tree bark!  Read about it here

Duty Days this week: Wednesday and Thursday.

Monday,  April 29 - Day 138

Happy Monday! Did you know that we only have 2 more Mondays? Please read or write independently while I take attendance.

80s Spirit Week continues tomorrow with BIG HAIR DAY! Make your hair as big as possible!

Today we will begin the final phase of our study of RL.6.9

Learning Intention: Compare and contrast texts in different forms in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics.

Success Criteria:  I can compare and contrast the idea of a lottery in The Hunger Games, The Lottery and NM 156.

Today's Birthdays:  Happy birthday to Andres Herrera Ramos and Megan Maes!  🎉🎂✨🍰🥳 Be sure to wish them a happy birthday! 

Random fact of the day: Today, April 30, is the birthday of the World Wide Web (the Internet).  Read about it’s history here.  

Duty Days this week: Wednesday and Thursday.

Tuesday,  April 30 - Day 139

Happy Tuesday! Please read or write independently while I take attendance.

80s Spirit Week continues tomorrow with 80s Movie Day! Dress like a character from your favorite 80s movie! 

Today we will continue the final phase of our study of RL.6.9

Learning Intention: Compare and contrast texts in different forms in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics.

Success Criteria:  I can compare and contrast the idea of a lottery in The Hunger Games, The Lottery and NM 156.