Problem Statement: Human activities in agriculture, industry, and everyday life have had major effects on the land, vegetation, streams, ocean, air, and even outer space. One major effect is fresh water becoming more scarce. Due to water scarcity, people need to find new ways to conserve and protect freshwater sources.

Students will:

  • Research and learn about water scarcity on planet Earth

  • Listen to experts and synthesize new learning in their presentation

  • Visit places to obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect the Earth’s resources and environment

  • Create a prototype or visual to illustrate their solution to the problem

  • In teams, orally present their solutions with their prototypes to a panel of expert

"When the well's dry. We know the worth of water!" -Benjamin Franklin



the mass of gases that surrounds a planet or other heavenly body.


the regions of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere of the earth (or analogous parts of other planets) occupied by living organisms


the changing of a gas or a vapor into a liquid by cooling.


happens when a liquid or a solid changes into a gas


any naturally occurring liquid or frozen water containing low concentrations of dissolved salts and other total dissolved solids.


consists of all bodies of water and ice, plus water vapor in the atmosphere.


is a measure of how hot or cold something is


prevention of wasteful use of a resource.