Miss Meunier's Website

You have found the place for Grade 5 math students at Ford Middle School in Acushnet!

November 14, 2022

Miss Meunier's and Mrs. Cadorette's Virtual Classroom

I will try to add fun things and helpful links all year.

When new skills are being learned, visual help provide context when learning new math strategies.

These math tools can be used when physical tools are not available (like during homework).

Virtual Math Tools

7 Fluency Strategies

Count On/Count Back

Make Tens

Use Partials

Break Apart to Multiply

Halve and Double


Use an Inverse Relationship

Encourage your child to give these a try if they are stuck.

Why all this work to get a simple answer?

Getting the correct answer is only 1 part of being a fluent mathematician.

People who are "good at math" select an appropriate strategy that will enable them solve the problem in a reasonable amount of time. They are able to trade out strategies and apply learned strategies to new problems. They are also able to complete steps accurately. While a child is still learning, they might need so show work or do steps that will be mental math once they have gotten good at the strategy.

Standard Algorithm

Should we just make children use the standard algorithm? It works.

Only knowing how to solve problems with the standard algorithm is like only having a spoon to cook dinner. We went to give children many strategies and help them learn when to use each strategy.

To solve 2000 -1936, regrouping is probably not as effective as other strategies.

Class Norms:

  • “Our class is for growing thinkers and problem solvers”

  • “Work hard everyday to learn and grow”

  • “Homework is a chance for reflection and preparing to learn more.”

  • “Listen carefully with respect and empathy."

  • “No one is good at everything, but everyone is good at something.”

  • "Use mistakes as opportunities to explore ideas more deeply.”

  • "Fair doesn't mean equal."


October 10, 2019

Check out @acushnetmeunier: https://twitter.com/acushnetmeunier?s=09

Here is the link to all my quizlet pages: http://quizlet.com/subject/missmeunier/

Check out these videos about 5th grade science: https://www.youtube.com/user/crashcoursekids

Things to Know

1. We are going to be learning about a lot of interesting things and doing some fun activities in science class in 5th grade.

2. For my homeroom: Here is a link to do book orders online. https://orders.scholastic.com/GY97K

3. My e-mail address is katelynmeunier@acushnetschools.us

4. Here are some websites you can visit if you want to learn about science and there are more sites if you click on the "Fun Science Websites to Visit" link.