"Big important Question" Essays

By the Acton Academy Eagles

What are the big important questions facing the world today?

Read essay descriptions and linked essays below, then vote for your favorite using this form

*CLICK on essay title or author photo to see more details, click "read the essay" to see full text 

Do All Cultures Share The Moral High Ground?

By Donovan O'Leary

The Understanding of Excellence.

By Holden May

Do We Really Have Free Will?

By Keira Collins

What, if Anything, Makes us Good and How to Become a Better Person.

By Brian Teeter

The Good Life: How Your Brain Controls Satisfaction.

By Evelyn Williams

The Art of Denial: Why do We Prefer to Ignore the Hard Truth?

By Meg Hart

Human Uniqueness: A Question for the Ages?

By Patrick O'Leary

Does Evil Exist?

By Katelyn Dishinger

Is Morality Subjective or Objective?

By Aanika Dalal

What is Consciousness?

By Eli Carl

What Is Intelligence?

By Ian Watson-Hemphill

Is the Biblical Creation Story true?

By Sam Sandefer

Is the Modern University Doomed?

By Luca Celestino

Loving for the sake of being loved: An essay on relationships.

By Addie Maher