Past Events

Check out our past events to see what you missed out on! (so you won't want to miss out next time)

2023-2024 School Year

This years homecoming theme was Asheville High's Got Game! These are the themes each grade level chose and how they designed/decorated them...

Seniors: Candy Land

Juniors: Monopoly

Sophomores: Clue

Freshman: Fortnite

2022-2023 School Year

Asheville City Board of Education Presentation!

Dogeball !!!

Hot chocolate!

Lots and lots of service!!!

Bus driver appreciation !

Teacher appreciation !

Earth Day Cleanup !

 Plus...Officer Jones' Bday !

Homecoming Week!!! Theme: Cinema!

Hall Theme: Horror - 12th

Hall Theme: Science Fiction - 11th

Hall Theme: Romantic Comedy - 10th

Hall Theme: Comedy - 9th

2021-2022 School Year

Winter Spirit Week: Anything But a Backpack Day

Dodgeball Tournament Winners

Powderpuff Game