The Do the Write Thing Asheville Challenge began as a collaboration between The Department of Justice, Asheville City Schools, and Buncombe County Schools as part of the nation-wide Do the Write Thing Challenge.

Through students engaging in thoughtful classroom discussions about bullying, youth violence and family abuse and its impact on their lives, the challenge seeks their opinions of the causes and solicits their thoughts for solutions. The written composition portion fosters logic, creativity and literacy. The Challenge gives the students a forum in which to have their voices heard and their ideas valued. Reflection upon the causes and effects of violence instills personal responsibility.

Teachers are provided resources for Classroom discussions and the writing assignment.  Students formulate their essays around the answers to these three questions:

The students then write on these issues. It is heartening that, almost unanimously, they reach the conclusion that personal responsibility and positive conduct are keys to a healthy civil society. Additionally, the program teaches children how to deal with anger, slights, bullying and other conflicts in a constructive way, without resorting to violence. Also addressed are the subjects of resisting peer pressure, avoiding illicit drug usage and seeking help for family abuse.

Recognition and acknowledgement of all participants is an integral feature of this project.  Each paper is read by community volunteers who select 12 finalists. The Student Finalists, their parents, teachers, principals and superintendents are invited to a recognition celebration in April. Additionally, 2 students are selected to travel to the National Do The Write Thing Celebration in Washington DC. 

Parent Letter