[Final] Rugby cca open house video

Rugby is a game that is played in over 120 countries throughout the world. Much of its value comes from its rich history, traditions, camaraderie and community involvement with the sport. The objective of the game is that two teams of 15 players each, should score as many points as possible, by carrying, passing, kicking and grounding the ball with the team scoring the greater number of points being the winner of the match. The aim of each team is to gain possession of the ball, take it into opposition territory and to place it in the in-goal area.

Many believe that rugby is a game only for those who are burly and violent. On the contrary, a rugby team needs players of different physique, abilities, strengths and most importantly, self-discipline. One who is strong and big-sized, one who is light and fast, one who is a great jumper. And of course, all must be gentlemen playing the game with sportsmanship and self-discipline.

We participate in friendly games and the National Rugby championships, to hone our skills and allow our players to pit their skills against others. For the B division, we participate in the National Schools' U-17 Rugby Championships, Police Cup which would take place from end Janurary to early April. For the C division, we take part in the National Schools' U-14 Rugby Championships, Dr Goh Keng Swee Shield which takes place from early July to mid September. After the respective competition seasons end, the boys would stand down from CCA trainings temporarily so as to prepare for the school exams. Trainings would also be reduced to twice a week after the competition season, to allow the boys to concentrate on their studies while keeping their fitness and focus on the sports. Apart from the usual National competitions, we also sign the boys up for other competitions such as M1 10-a-side, SCC 7s so as to allow them to put to good use their learnt skills and knowledge.

Participation in friendly games, ad-hoc friendly competitions allow our players to continue to pursue their best in the sports and challenge themselves to greater height.