Textbooks, Transportation


Textbooks are provided to all students through the bookstore. All books and materials loaned to students must be returned to the bookstore at the conclusion of each course. Students who withdraw from school must return all textbooks before they can clear their records. If a student does not return school materials or if damage beyond normal wear occurs, the student will be charged for the cost of the text.

Transportation: Bus Service

Each day, buses contracted by ACS transport our students throughout the greater Athens area. Bus monitors are present on each bus with the responsibility of ensuring safety and order. There are no monitors on late buses, and therefore by Greek law, 6th graders are not allowed to ride late buses or any buses scheduled without a bus monitor.

All Middle School students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately while on the school bus as the school bus is considered an extension of the school. Students are expected to act as positive role models for the younger children on the bus. Questions about transportation services should be directed to the Transportation Office (639-3200, Ext. 239).

Bus Procedures

  1. Students must be at the assigned stop at the scheduled boarding time. (Be Ready)

  2. Students must disembark only at the scheduled stop.

  3. If a student wishes to take a bus other than the one normally assigned, or get off at a stop other than the one normally assigned, a parent request must be submitted to the transportation office for approval 48 hours in advance and presented to the monitor before boarding. Permission to ride on a different bus will be granted only if space is available. (Be Responsible)

  4. Change of address resulting in a change of route or bus stop should be presented to the transportation office in writing two days prior to the change. (Be Responsible)

  5. The failure or the considerable delay of the bus in arriving at the scheduled pick-up point entitles students to secure alternate transportation to the school. The Transportation Officer will make reimbursement of any costs incurred.

  6. Concerns regarding the bus monitor or driver must be registered with the Transportation Office and the Main Office.

  7. Bus monitors reserve the right to assign students to a specific seat. All passengers must comply with these directions. (Be Respectful)

Bus Code of Conduct

  1. Students must follow the directions of the bus monitors, adults, and drivers at all times.

  2. No eating, drinking or smoking (e-cigarette or vaping) is allowed.

  3. Students must be seated in their assigned seats and quiet at all times.

  4. Respectful language must be used at all times.

  5. Students must keep hands, head, arms inside the bus at all times.

  6. No weapons/toy weapons or incendiary devices are allowed at any time.

  7. The Code of Conduct policies and recommended actions also apply to the school bus.

Students who do not meet these expectations will be referred to the Transportation Officer and appropriate Administrator. Misconduct may result in the loss of bus service for a number of days. Serious or repeated violations of bus rules may result in permanent removal from the bus.