Health Office

Health Services

ACS Athens employs a full-time medical professional who is here to provide students with help and advice if they are ill. If a student feels ill, he or she must consult with a teacher in order to get a pass to go to the medical professional. The medical professional will take care of the student, and if necessary, will call parents to take an ill student home. The medical professional also provides first aid in case of accidents. In the event of serious injury, the student will not be moved. Rather, the medical professional will be called immediately in order to handle the matter at the scene of the accident.

Accident or Illness

In the interest of the student’s health, parents should be sure that the Health Office files are kept current. An up-to-date telephone number and the name of the person to call in the event of an emergency in the parent’s absence are especially important.

The school medical professional determine in each case whether the student requires the immediate attention of a specialized physician or whether he/she may be cared for in the First Aid Room. If it is necessary to send a student home, the school will immediately attempt to call the parent.

If the parent cannot provide transportation, the student may be sent home by taxi with the parent’s approval.

In the event of an emergency requiring immediate medical attention, every attempt will be made to consult with the parents for instructions. In the event that the parents or their designated representatives cannot be reached, and upon the recommendation of the medical professional, the student will be taken to the parent’s physician or to the nearest hospital providing the necessary care.

Accidents occurring in school, on school grounds, or on the bus should be reported as soon as possible to a school staff member.


School insurance is provided automatically for every student beginning on the first day of school. It covers all aspects of the school day as well as school trips. Detailed benefits of the school insurance plan may be obtained by calling the Business Office during working hours. Additional insurance is purchased out of Athens trips.