
Our students' academic success is due to many factors incorporating our unique approach to education.

The Socratic Method of Teaching

Focuses on discussion and debate versus lecture encouraging retention, collaboration and critical thinking. The ability to logically express one's views and assess another’s is as foundational as the facts being taught in any subject.

The Teacher - Student Relationship

Faculty and administration are available and accessible to students, providing sound mentoring and guidance . Our teacher/ student ratios further facilitate this goal and our open door approach ensures each student develops these imperative relationships.

Above and Beyond Core Academics

Classes in leadership, conflict resolution, career opportunities and practical living further enhance our academic structure. Rhetoric courses such as public speaking and debate, are mandatory for each of the 4 years of high school.

A Customized Approach

High School students cannot reach their full potential participating in a one-size-fits-all program. Academic plans for students are continually reviewed to determine the most suitable courses for them as an individual.

College Credit Courses

Dual Enrollment courses are available in addition to honors and college preparatory levels. Students are able to graduate with enough credits to eliminate a semester or even an entire year of college.

Academic Assistance

Specific classes, one-on-one support and modifications are provided for students who may struggle academically. Individual plans are also established to ensure the student has every opportunity to thrive and succeed.

Graduation Requirements

More stringent than public schools, ACS requirements ensure ACS students will meet entrance requirements to all universities and colleges.

Graduation Requirement Details


ACS is a part of the Association of Classical Christian Schools. The compilation of Classical schools provides statistically relevant data for assessing the impact of a Classical education on college admission test results.